[PlugFest/Tesing] minutes - 20 May 2020

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      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -


20 May 2020


          Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan,
          Farshid_Tavakolizadeh, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Koster,
          Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura,
          Takahisa_Suzuki, Tomoaki_Mizushima





     * [2]Topics
         1. [3]PlugFest schedule
         2. [4]PlugFest topics
         3. [5]Prototypes/Proposals
         4. [6]Testing
         5. [7]WISHI workshop
         6. [8]AOB
     * [9]Summary of Action Items
     * [10]Summary of Resolutions

PlugFest schedule

   [11]Plugfest wiki

     [11] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_1-12_June_2020,_Online#Plugfest

   McCool: let's confirm if these slots are still OK by all

   <scribe> ACTION: kaz to create a doodle to see if the proposed
   slots are still OK by all

   McCool: what about the registration site?

   [12]registration site

     [12] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/wot-f2f-202006/

   McCool: the date within the title to be fixed

   Kaz: will do

   <scribe> ACTION: kaz to fix the date within the title of the
   registration site

   McCool: next thing to talk about
   ... we should collect topics for the f2f part

   <inserted> [13]F2F topics

     [13] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_1-12_June_2020,_Online#F2F_Topics_.28Tentative.29

   Ege: any open day this time?

   McCool: what does "open day" mean this time?

   Ege: have some people in my mind to invite

   Kaz: we can add a section to the f2f wiki about possible
   invited guests

   McCool: and we should make decision in advance
   ... note that we have pretty tight schedule this time

   Kaz: before adding actual candidate names to the public wiki,
   we could have preliminary discussion on the Member list

   McCool: yeah
   ... on the other hand, don't want to use much time for invited
   guests since we have limitation this time as I already
   ... let's discuss that during the main call

PlugFest topics

   [14]Plugfest logistics

     [14] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_1-12_June_2020,_Online#Virtual_F2F_and_Plugfest_Logistics

   McCool: some topics listed here so far
   ... Ege, what about binding templates?

   Ege: nice to talk about that

   McCool: 1h enough?

   Ege: yes
   ... investigation of ROS, etc.
   ... by 15m

   McCool: ok
   ... 1h + 15m for you
   ... what about you, Lagally?

   Lagally: use cases for 2h
   ... and profiles for 2h

   Danie: API changes for scripting?

   McCool: will you talk about that yourself?

   Danie: or Zoltan

   McCool: 1h enough?

   Danie: yes

   McCool: regarding security
   ... review issues including OAuth2 should take 1.5h
   ... and plugfest report for 1h
   ... anything else?

   Ege: TD topics like TD template?

   McCool: tentatively put 2h for TD
   ... discovery has 1h
   ... got some progress on the agenda


   [15]Prototypes and Proposals

     [15] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_1-12_June_2020,_Online#Prototypes_and_Proposals

   McCool: test of device flow for OAuth2?
   ... need to go back and read the docs/specs again
   ... should keep consistency with open api

   Danie: code flow is similar to this. right?

   McCool: how to deal with credentials to respond to actual
   ... need to read the spec

   Farshid: possible m2m coordination as well

   McCool: which flows make sense for IoT?
   ... any other protytypes, ideas?

   Danie: look into eventing
   ... and dynamic TD creation
   ... which offers more capability
   ... could be part of "Hypermedia Controls"

   Ege: yes

   Kaz: if you want, we could add a sub-bullet point explicitly

   McCool: we have MQTT protocol binding?
   ... any implementation?

   Ege: yes
   ... within node-wot

   McCool: note that there is a difference between the "Prototype
   section and the "PoC" section
   ... topics on the "Prototypes" section are expected to be
   included in the specs (directly)



     [16] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_1-12_June_2020,_Online#Testing

   McCool: we're not really sure about what to be tested this time
   ... need to add clarifications

   Kaz: so people are encouraged to add their ideas to the
   "Testing" section as well

   McCool: yes
   ... there are multiple purposes this time
   ... should clarify the features to be tested this time
   ... and then scenarios

   [17]Use cases ans scenarios

     [17] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_1-12_June_2020,_Online#Use_Cases_and_Scenarios

   McCool: several question marks here
   ... for example, what kind of scenario is expected for "Smart

   Matsukura: some demonstration is available

   McCool: demo is mainly for TPAC. right?

   Matsukura: yeah

   McCool: smart store is still in-flight
   ... smart agriculture topic is brought from Singapore as well
   ... so your introducing your scenario to them would be helpful
   ... also I could work on a possible scenario on "buying an
   ice-cream" for smart store
   ... (puts some ideas)

   Kaz: so you'd like to ask Matsukura-san to clarify some
   possible scenario like that, wouldn't you?

   McCool: right
   ... (shows his slides on Conexxus collab presented the other
   ... for example, a camera put on the store
   ... and freezer door opens based on the sensor
   ... and then various things there
   ... so would be great to have some scenario like this
   ... for smart agriculture use case
   ... e.g., temperature sensor, weather forecast, ...
   ... assuming those things talk with the smart greenhouse
   ... we should document a possible typical scenario within the
   use case template itself as well
   ... what the person does, etc.


   McCool: and how to populate the data
   ... adapting the functionality to the store in this ice-cream
   use case
   ... maybe could replace some of the features
   ... so what I'm asking Matsukura-san is adding links to the
   existing materials first and also clarify the scenario (=what
   happens when)
   ... make sense?

   Matsukura: yes
   ... will generate a possible scenario then

   McCool: great
   ... would let you do that then

WISHI workshop

   [18]WISHI workshop part

     [18] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_1-12_June_2020,_Online#T2TRG.2FWoT_Workshop_Topics_.28Tentative.29

   McCool: met with the WISHI guys
   ... expected speakers here

   [19]requests to speak

     [19] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_1-12_June_2020,_Online#Requests_to_Speak

   McCool: Michael Lagally for use case process and overview
   ... Henry Andrews for JSON Schema
   ... note that we only have 3h for the workshop
   ... there are still 30mins left
   ... if someone has a topic for 30mins, please let me know


   McCool: aob?

   Ege: playground is getting updated but not before the plugfest
   this time

   McCool: in that case, need to use the current version?

   Ege: right
   ... will fix bugs
   ... but won't add new features yet

   McCool: you can use playground as of today
   ... will work on the preparation topics
   ... anything else?

   Farshid: what about directory service?

   McCool: the question is if you're planning to talk about
   ... would be happy to have you talk about LinkSmart work
   ... maybe talk about it as part of the "WoT Discovery" during
   the WISHI workshop
   ... (adds a "20+10m" slot for that)

   Kaz: Farshid, are you interested in presentation? or plugfest?

   Farshid: could do both

   McCool: this presentation itself is for the WISHI workshop
   ... exposure for the IRTF guys as well
   ... and as far as implementations, should be handled as part of
   the PlugFest
   ... should describe where/how it works
   ... once your setting is done, wold be great to put the

   Farshid: would like to talk about the detail during the
   discovery call next Monday

   McCool: ok
   ... (tentatively adds a talk on discovery to the WISHI
   ... will make sure about the logistics for the workshop


Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: kaz to create a doodle to see if the proposed
   slots are still OK by all
   [NEW] ACTION: kaz to fix the date within the title of the
   registration site

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
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    $Date: 2020/05/27 13:18:50 $

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Received on Tuesday, 2 June 2020 07:16:57 UTC