- From: Kazuyuki Ashimura <ashimura@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2020 17:17:53 +0900
- To: public-wot-wg@w3.org
available at: https://www.w3.org/2020/11/25-wot-td-minutes.html also as text below. Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Sebastian! Kazuyuki --- [1]W3C [1] http://www.w3.org/ WoT-WG - TD-TF 25 Nov 2020 [2]Agenda [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Thing_Description_WebConf#November_25.2C_2020 Attendees Present Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Michael_Lagally, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Taki_Kamiya, Ege_Korkan, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima Regrets Chair Sebastian Scribe sebastian, kaz Contents * [3]Topics 1. [4]new WoT web page 2. [5]Status TD 1.1 3. [6]TD 2.0 roadmap 4. [7]Issue 999 5. [8]Issue 1003 6. [9]Issue 983 7. [10]Issue 977 8. [11]Issue 1005 * [12]Summary of Action Items * [13]Summary of Resolutions __________________________________________________________ new WoT web page <inserted> scribenick: sebastian need some short abstract about the task forces including the task forces leaders <kaz> [14]Welcome page [14] https://w3c.github.io/wot-marketing/ McCool: we should use a template for each section <kaz> [15]TD-TF [15] https://w3c.github.io/wot-marketing/activities/tf-td/ <kaz> [16]Ege's issue 85 [16] https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/85 McCool: there is an issue from Ege that gives an overview about the current content of all the task force wiki pages McCool: we should agree on a template ... who can help here to create a template? Ege can provide a template. Ege: Which points should be covered? McCool: Main page has the most contents and covers many points Ege: Discovery can be also used to create template Kaz: Daniel developed an CSS file for the webpage. Shall we use this for the template as well? McCool: Prefer the wiki style ... we should keep the wiki structure Kaz: we should have the detail structure of the MD files for task forces ... should discuss this in the marketing call Ege: [17]https://w3c.github.io/wot-marketing/activities/tf-td/ is html file which will be not changed ... only the content of the wiki page will changed like the agenda [17] https://w3c.github.io/wot-marketing/activities/tf-td/ Kaz: I'm OK with writing the details of each TF's activity using, but the discussion on the structure of the whole pages should be done during the marketing call Lagally: +1 that the structure should be agreed during marketing call Ege will prepare a proposal for the next marketing call next week marketing call is canceled so, will discuss this one week after Please other TF should also think about the content Lagally: Yes, should be not that complicated to provide some sentences about the scope of the TF <Ege> [18]https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/99/files [18] https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/99/files Status TD 1.1 Kaz: we should also provide the last minute changes in the index.html in github master <kaz> [19]Kaz's editorial updates for publication (Member-only) [19] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-wot-wg/2020Nov/0015.html TD 2.0 roadmap There were some discussion about TD 2.0 roadmap McCool: we should provide a CR 1.1 version in March to be on time <kaz> [20]Milestones calculator, fyi [20] https://w3c.github.io/spec-releases/milestones/?fpwd=2020-11-24 McCool: it's quite tight in schedule ... different option such as work in parallel on TD 2.0 and TD 1.1 I think this is not a good idea Kaz: if we can not finish or start the work on TD 2.0 we need to get rechartered for ver 2.0 and some more possible additional deliverables <kaz> scribenick: kaz Kaz: wondering about the actual "roadmap" for 2.0 version McCool: let's get a poll about deferring the 2.0 version to the next Charter ... need to discuss during the main call as well, though <McCool> summary it seems we are leaning towards deferring 2.0 to the next charter and focusing on 1.1 in this charter Issue 999 [21]Issue 999 [21] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/999 Sebastian: provided an example ... (put the example TD to edi{TD}or) [22]Sebastian's comment including the example [22] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/999#issuecomment-730421965 McCool: need a list of placeholders? (like "URL_PLACEHOLDER, ID_PLACEHOLDER", ...) [23]Lagally's comment [23] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/999#issuecomment-733655164 Lagally: also versioning should be mandatory McCool: yes, it should be mandatory ... we should put version identifier in the id and "version" metadata Ege: how to handle major/minor/patch versions? McCool: several different views possibly ... TD is instance of model ... if we have a new version of TD, what would happen? Ege: depending on the use cases ... some people might think semantic versioning wouldn't work for API versioning <Ege> [24]https://w3c.github.io/wot-thing-description/#example-31 [24] https://w3c.github.io/wot-thing-description/#example-31 Ege: version for instance and version for modl Sebastian: (loos into Issue 1000) ... example of Eclipse Vorto model <Ege> [25]https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/947 [25] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/947 [26]Issue 1000 [26] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/1000 Sebastian: would it make sense to add "model" term to "version"? McCool: another possibility is that Thing Model's version number simply refers to the version of the Thing Model specification Lagally: would be confusing McCool: that's true Sebastian: what should we do then? McCool: for Thing Model, should only have "model" ... without link Sebastian: ok "version" : {"model" : "1.0.0"}, Sebastian: let's quickly do that ... (reusing the "version" container, skip `instance` nd introduce a new term `model`) ... (adds an updated example to Issue 1000) McCool: we could think about DID here [27]Sebastian's latest comment [27] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/999#issuecomment-733805049 version definition for the model: "version" : {"model" : "1.0.0" }, version definition for the instance: "version" : {"instance": "1.0.0", "model" : "1.0.0" }, "links" : [{ "rel" : "instanceOf", "href" : "<address of the TM model>" }], Issue 1003 [28]Issue 1003 [28] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/1003 [29]table within section "5.4 Default Value Definitions" [29] https://w3c.github.io/wot-thing-description/#x5-4-default-value-definitions Kaz: note there is "5.4" twice within the section title Sebastian: right ... (creates an issue on that) ... regarding the issue 1003 itself, would it make sense to have more detailed description on op? (no objections) Sebastian: Ege, can you create a PR for this? Ege: ok [30]Sebastian's updated comment [30] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/1003#issuecomment-733810744 Issue 983 [31]Issue 983 [31] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/983 Sebastian: there is actually a section for Multilanguage ([32]https://www.w3.org/TR/wot-thing-description11/#multilangua ge) ... (adds a comment) [32] https://www.w3.org/TR/wot-thing-description11/#multilanguage) [33]Sebastian's comment [33] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/983#issuecomment-733812960 Issue 977 [34]Issue 977 [34] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/977 Sebastian: the IP address where the TD comes from McCool: model is meant to be more abstract ... directory entry for discovery needed Ege: IP address possibly changes based on the environment for mobile usage, etc. McCool: maybe you could describe the device itself ... would suggest we write up a use case for that Kaz: agree we should generate a use case description about this ... related to how to deal with session lifecycle McCool: two possible issues ... no IP address ... and change of IP address Kaz: no IP address specification for Thing Model may imply dynamic address assignment ... there are several possible settings [35]updated comment [35] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/977#issuecomment-733824110 Issue 1005 [36]Issue 1005 [36] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/1005 Sebastian: some of the combinations should be prohibited ... e.g., both readOnly and writeOnly as "true" McCool: maybe JSONSchema guys know how to avoid it Koster: should be compatible with oneDM McCool: readable/writable would be clearer Sebastian: (adds Henry Andrews for JSON Schema and Mchael Koster for SDF) [37]updated comment [37] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/1005#issuecomment-733829256 [adjourned] Summary of Action Items Summary of Resolutions [End of minutes] __________________________________________________________ Minutes formatted by David Booth's [38]scribe.perl version 1.152 ([39]CVS log) $Date: 2020/12/16 08:15:23 $ [38] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm [39] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/
Received on Wednesday, 16 December 2020 08:17:58 UTC