[Online PlugFest] minutes - 10 September 2019

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      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                     WoT PlugFest - Online PlugFest

10 Sep 2019


      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/PlugFest_WebConf#Agenda_10.09.2019


          Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally, Hiroki_Endo, Masaya_Ikeo,
          Kunihiko_Toumura, Takahisa_Suzuki, Michael_McCool,
          Ege_Korkan, Christian_Glomb, Verena_Schlott,
          Ryuichi_Matsukura, Daniel_Peintner





     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Agenda
         2. [5]Round table: which devices, test cases to
         3. [6]Client applications
         4. [7]Connection test
         5. [8]Hitach application
         6. [9]NHK
         7. [10]Fujitsu
         8. [11]TUM
         9. [12]NHK (revisited)
        10. [13]Next steps
     * [14]Summary of Action Items
     * [15]Summary of Resolutions

   <scribe> scribenick: kaz


   Lagally: (goes through the agenda at:
   ... which devices, test cases to prioritize?
   ... simple communication test

     [16] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/PlugFest_WebConf#Agenda_10.09.2019

   McCool: (points out some problem with the online-plugfest.md



   Lagally: and then we should discuss F2F/PlugFest logistics
   ... including demo/breakout setting
   ... anything else for today?

   McCool: need to leave around 5:30pm

Round table: which devices, test cases to prioritized?

   Lagally: let's see the TDs

   (Ege joins)

   Ege: would invite one of the students to this call

   Lagally: ok

   [18]Fujitsu's TDs


   Suzuki: remote devices and local devices

   [19]Fujitsu's remote devices


   <mlagally> Fujitsu: Fujitsu-WiFiSensor-3C71BF4253EC.jsonld,
   Fujitsu-Buzzerjsonld, Mozilla-LED.jsonld

   Lagally: how to check if the device works?
   ... are you on hangout?

   Suzuki: I'm on Panasonic hangout

   Kaz: is the information available to everybody?

   Lagally: yes

   Suzuki: (shows Fujitsu's devices on hangout)

   Kaz: just to make sure
   ... does the cloud.md table include the information of devices
   on the local.md?

   Suzuki: Fujitsu's devices are connected to both the local proxy
   and the remote proxy
   ... that's why there is the same information on the local
   devices on both the pages

   Kaz: got it

   [20]Intel's TDs


   McCool: web cam and speech interface
   ... longpoll grabs the image every 10 sec

   Lagally: which of the entries works?

   McCool: all of them work

   Lagally: do people have credentials for this?

   McCool: on the README.md
   ... links to the Member archived credentials
   ... also links to concrete TDs
   ... you have to post for speech

   Lagally: we should use the basic credential

   Ege: where is the information?

   McCool: there is links on README.md
   ... will add clarification on the basic authentication

   Kaz: JPEG image is broken

   McCool: will fix

   Kaz: and relationship between JSON and JSON-LD for speech?

   McCool: just update the device IP address
   ... please use the JSON version

   [21]Oracle's TDs


   Lagally: (show the animation of the Oracle IoT digital twin
   ... very simple model of the pump
   ... please let me know if you need another one
   ... (goes through the list of TDs)
   ... you can log in and use the devices

   <Zakim> kaz, you wanted to ask about the relationship between
   intel-speak.json and intel-speak.jsonld

   Suzuki: tried to use the TD this morning
   ... problem with href URL

   Lagally: sorry
   ... need to update the TD

   Kaz: what is the difference among all the Blue_Pump_*?

   Lagally: specific instance for each vendor

   [22]Panasonic's TDs


   Lagally: Toru-san is not available yet

   Kaz: what about NHK, Siemens and TUM?

   Christian: not prepared yet
   ... planning to provide electric charger simulator

   Kaz: hardware-based or software-based?

   Christian: software-based one

   Kaz: tx

   Christian: today, I'm mainly observing
   ... already got interesting information

   Kaz: do you think you can join the demo prep on Sunday?

   Christian: not available but will be there on Tuesday

   McCool: Intel and Siemens want to work on Tuesday at the W3C
   Team room

   Kaz: will double check with Naomi about that

   Lagally: what about TUM?
   ... Ege or Verena?
   ... what kind of TDs are you planning to provide?

   vs: we'll provide just clients

   Ege: can't access the devices at TUM from Fukuoka this time...

   Lagally: what about NHK?

   Endo: we don't provide TDs

   <ege> Just for correction, I will be bringing the physically
   with me to Fukuoka

   Endo: only application client on TV

   Lagally: which devices/TDs are you planning to use?

   Kaz: are you planning to get connected with Fujitsu and

   Endo: Panasonic gateway and Fujitsu proxy

   Kaz: and what is your target devices?

   Endo: Panasonic's robot cleaner

   Lagally: ok

Client applications

   Lagally: regarding clients, how many applications do we have?
   ... TUM, Hitachi, NHK, ...
   ... three client applications?
   ... application developers can check the connectivity of their
   using devices/TDs
   ... Endo-san, can you check Fujitsu's device? or Panasonic one?

   Endo: Panasonic robot cleaner
   ... can show the video using hangout
   ... our application runs/synchronizes with TV

   (Endo-san prepares for his demo)

   Kaz: question for Ege
   ... will you provide your TDs later?

   Ege: will do

Connection test

   Lagally: need to fix Oracle's TDs
   ... it seems there are two kinds of hangouts...
   ... one on the README and another by Panasonic
   ... we should use Panasonic's one given they're not here and
   can't change the setting

   (15-min break)

   <mlagally> @toumura-san: Please try

   Toumura: tried the updated TD
   ... but there is some authentication problem
   ... the error code is returned to the server
   ... could you please check what's happening?

   Lagally: ok, thanks for your feedback

   (2nd session starts)

   Lagally: who here can show your applications today?

   Ege: trying security devices
   ... need some debugging for now

   Lagally: ok

   Kaz: do you want to try today, Sunday or Tuesday?

   Ege: good question
   ... can show node-wot testing today

   Lagally: note tat we're test interoperability
   ... what about Toumura-san?

   Toumura: can show simple demo
   ... can I share my screen?

   Lagally: yes, please

Hitach application

   Toumura: simple test connection for each device
   ... Fujitsu, Panasonic, Oracle, ...
   ... can get connected with devices in Kanazawa
   ... also USB buzzer light, rotary beacon, etc.
   ... but can't get connect with Mozilla yet due to a bug
   ... will fix it
   ... would create an application to show camera's video
   ... also the speech device works
   ... can get connected with Panasonic devices as well
   ... also some dashboard display
   ... and then working on Suzuki-san's industry scenario
   ... including Panasonic's bulletin board
   ... but some problem
   ... if Suzuki-san can generate a balloon, could be fixed
   ... currently there is no value change

   Kaz: what do you mean by "balloon"?
   ... the plastic bag Matsukura-san brought?

   Toumura: yes, that's the one

   Kaz: Matsukura-san and Suzuki-san, do you think you can bring a
   plastic bag again?

   Toumura: or another kick

   Suzuki: not sure about the plastic bag but can we use another

   Lagally: maybe we can use Oracle Siemens Festo simulator?

   Toumura: I can use that as well
   ... just wondering which one to be used

   Lagally: but basically you can access those devices except
   Mozilla gateway
   ... that is very good


   Lagally: Endo-san, what about you?

   Endo: I'll show a demonstration within a local network
   ... with Google hangout
   ... local network first
   ... and then run devices in Osaka
   ... (shows the demo on hangout)
   ... broadcast video on the TV

   Kaz: would be better to watch the hangout video directly
   (rather than via webex :)

   Lagally: let's do so

   Kaz: is there any sound on the program?

   Endo: no sound

   Kaz: ok

   (mccool rejoins)


   Suzuki: can I show my application?
   ... (shares his screen)
   ... power consumption at a smart home
   ... the sensor, then air conditioner
   ... phase 3 includes Mozilla's light
   ... node-red dashboard shows energy management and solar panel
   ... some problem here
   ... then second scenario
   ... that is the industry scenario
   ... monitors for sensors
   ... z-axis acceleration, temperature, humidity and air pressure
   ... if there is any abnormal situation, the beacon turns
   ... that's it
   ... questions/comments?

   Lagally: looks nice
   ... we've been seen two demos


   Ege: managed to work with Intel
   ... so would show that


     [23] https://hangouts.google.com/call/Gbgym9gd5j4OUEppg5VJAEEE

   <ege> Verena is the screenshare

   Ege: (shows a dashboard software)
   ... you can control properties, actions, events here

NHK (revisited)

   Lagally: anything to show now?

   Endo: tx for waiting!

   Lagally: can you please explain your demo?

   Endo: (shows their demo)
   ... restarted the TV broadcasting demo
   ... Hybridcast TV can receive signals from broadcasting
   ... which includes a trigger
   ... and the application can control the robot cleaner, etc.
   ... also there are lights around the TV
   ... can be controlled based on the events

   Lagally: embedding some trigger within the TV broadcasting

   Endo: yes
   ... the TV program wants to use a device
   ... stop, change color, etc.

   Lagally: video stream from IP?

   ikeo: hybridcast handles both the broadcasting content and the
   IP video stream
   ... event trigger message is a so-called shot

   [24]diagram on the README.md

     [24] https://github.com/w3c/wot/tree/master/plugfest/2019-tpac-fukuoka

   Kaz: maybe you can explain the mechanism by showing the diagram
   on the README.md file

   Endo: (Hybridcast Connect Application Demo)
   ... tx
   ... it's combination of broadcasting content and IP content
   ... broadcasting content provides an event message as a trigger
   ... hybridcast application transfers that event to the
   hybridcast connect application (=a node.js application)
   ... the protocol between the hybidcast application and the
   hybridcast connect application is a proprietary one

   Lagally: everything is controlled based on the event message
   included in the broadcast content
   ... how to control the devices then?
   ... the application can be interactive?

   Endo: the user should be able to decide the scenario
   ... in this scenario, we make a demo to make the story simple

   Kaz: provides some explanation about the basic mechanism of

Next steps

   Lagally: we got nice demos
   ... and we got some actions

   McCool: maybe we should clarify who to get together tomorrow
   during the usual PlugFest call

   Lagally: good idea
   ... let's check what to be done

   <mlagally> ACTION: Oracle to regenerate TDs

   <mlagally> ACTION: Intel to fix digest auth, mark camera
   properties as read only

   [Kaz's note: There are several remaining slots for preparation:
   (1) PF call on Sep. 11, (2) Demo prep day on Sep. 15 and (3)
   Tuesday on Sep. 17 at W3C Team room ]

   Ege: has updated TUM's TDs

   (some discussion on demo session; details to be discussed
   during the main call tomorrow)

   ml anything else for today?



Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Intel to fix digest auth, mark camera properties
   as read only
   [NEW] ACTION: Oracle to regenerate TDs

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    David Booth's [25]scribe.perl version 1.154 ([26]CVS log)
    $Date: 2019/09/25 14:48:11 $

     [25] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [26] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Wednesday, 25 September 2019 14:51:39 UTC