[PlutFest] minutes - 29 May 2019

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also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking these minutes, Ege!




      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                              WoT PlugFest

29 May 2019


          Michael_Lagally, Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner,
          Ege_Korkan, Kathy_Giori, Kunihiko_Toumura,
          Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura,
          Sebastian_Kaebisch, Takahisa_Suzuki, Taki_Kamiya,
          Tomoaki_Mizushima, Toru_Kawaguchi





     * [2]Topics
         1. [3]PlugFest
         2. [4]Testing
     * [5]Summary of Action Items
     * [6]Summary of Resolutions

   <mlagally_> [7]https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/PlugFest_WebConf

      [7] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/PlugFest_WebConf


   Lagally: we have the participants listed in the readme for the
   f2f and demo
   ... we had about 5 companies yesterday for the online plugfest
   ... update about the demos
   ... let's look at the PRs
   ... merges a PR from aparnathuluva

   McCool: some are not in testing

   Lagally: do these new siemens td come with an additional
   description in readme

   Sebastian: I have asked my colleague to put some new tds
   ... (merges multiple PRs)

   Matthias: did mozilla push their TDs

   Kathy: ben will do that soon
   ... we have another format but we can discuss the delta during
   the event

   Sebastian: is it compatible to w3c td?

   Kathy: no, we use links vs forms and no id

   Sebastian: so an effort to be compatible?

   Kathy: no they are not, forms and links will not change even
   after the workshop

   McCool: we should discuss compatibility possibilities

   Matthias: we can write manually tds for mozilla devices

   <kgiori> Mozilla TD example for a Light is here:

   Matthias: for the workshop

   Lagally: do you think we can do some tests during the weekend?

   Matthias: i wanted to get the thing gateway up and running with
   smartthings devices

   Kathy: it is not that difficult to do

   Lagally: will we have devices in the prep days?

   Kathy: we will have also virtual devices

   <kgiori> demo online here:
   [8]https://w3c-interop.mozilla-iot.org/things (let me look up
   the u/p for access)

      [8] https://w3c-interop.mozilla-iot.org/things

   Lagally: I have set up simulation devices in the cloud
   ... you can tell me and I can set up simulators for your
   ... there is the hangouts link for the panasonic devices

   <kgiori> the latter link has simulated devices. I just posted a
   temp username and password - u: w3c@w3c.org p: workshop

   Lagally: so if you have video streams, just join the video link

   Sebastian: we are working on the charging scenario with ecog
   and panasonic
   ... toru-san do you have info on that

   Lagally: are the tds available

   Sebastian: yes also ecog TDs
   ... (talks about the new TDs)

   Lagally: are there any problem regarding node-wot

   Sebastian: not that we know of at the moment

   dape: there is also a snapshot version on npm

   Sebastian: there is a hands-on tutorial

   <sebastian> [9]http://www.thingweb.io/hands-on.html

      [9] http://www.thingweb.io/hands-on.html

   Lagally: TUM?

   Ege: so we have put all the TDs but they are not the latest

   McCool: also we should not use same hostnames
   ... maybe document them in the readme

   Lagally: intel?

   McCool: we have person recog. and solar power not working
   ... I broke some things
   ... in the last 24 hours but fixed
   ... (explains individual devices)
   ... doesn't need more than one table

   Lagally: hitachi?

   Toumura: I am doing an application scenario

   Lagally: fujitsu?

   Matsukura: devices through proxy
   ... please contact to get information on access

   Lagally: panasonic?

   Toru: we will provide devices from osaka
   ... also one local device
   ... so we can make more tangible demos

   Lagally: suggestion to add links to the TDs
   ... in the readme
   ... uni southampton?
   ... I will ask for a TD
   ... bmw?

   Sebastian: received info today
   ... they will be an isolated demo

   Ege: tum demo is movable

   Sebastian: contact benjamin

   Ege: bmw is coming to the prep days
   ... but without a car, only simulation

   Lagally: mozilla?

   Kathy: we are bringing our gateway

   <Zakim> dape, you wanted to do we want to check TDs for
   validity? Ege is automatic testing possible?

   Kathy: a gateway to bring off the shelf devices

   Sebastian: how you want to go with being not compatible, during
   the elevator pitches

   Kathy: I don't know, we can claim that we are not compatible

   kaz: we should inform on what the pitch should be

   Sebastian: maybe mentioning compatibility

   Kathy: showing interoperability of devices

   kaz: mentioning conversion

   Sebastian: maybe having a meeting

   Ege: we can just write tds

   McCool: a converter would be better

   Sebastian: dave's demo is missing
   ... with arena

   Lagally: (adds the dave demo info on readme)
   ... do not forget to bring plug and voltage converters
   ... participation, on friday there seems to be only sebastian
   and the rest is ? or -

   McCool: how early can we come?

   Lagally: 8 am

   Sebastian: registration starts at 12
   ... so that the audience can come and have a look
   ... at least come on sunday to test the network
   ... I will bring the modem
   ... we can be sure that at 8am we can start
   ... I will come only on sunday to tum

   Lagally: not many people on saturday
   ... bmw is coming or not? (changes to ? for the weekend)

   Ege: I will be there on saturday even if no one said that they
   will not

   Lagally: presentations?

   Sebastian: you don't have to do it with slides, as you wish

   kaz: organizers should notify by email about the presentations

   Lagally: people will walk over to the demo area after the talks

   Sebastian: I can show the agenda

   kaz: presenters should explain their demos
   ... workshop chairs should send a message

   Lagally: please watch the workshop page, it will be updated
   ... we will see on sunday
   ... I have also added the collateral page, where you can add
   the images of the devices, or any kind of information you want

   Lagally: adds ege info on github

   McCool: social event?

   Ege: for workshop or wg participants?

   McCool: for wg
   ... it would be better to do it before thursday since people
   might be leaving

   Kathy: let's put a target

   McCool: then tuesday
   ... a local can organise?

   Lagally: I will talk to sebastian
   ... (giving host to mm)


   McCool: initial implementation report


     [10] https://cdn.statically.io/gh/mmccool/wot-thing-description/updated-test-results/testing/report.html#test_class

   McCool: passed deadline
   ... michael koster, are you there

   Matthias: you can merge

   McCool: fujitsu?

   Matsukura: approved the changes

   McCool: i will merge smartthings and copy fujitsu from demos
   ... I can ask people during f2f
   ... make sure you update the manual assertions
   ... some are interesting stuff, like content negotiation
   ... so we have to finish them after the workshop, it will be
   really tight
   ... I will be pushing updates tomorrow
   ... we need to split producer and consumer
   ... to have visibility
   ... questions?

   Sebastian: some are very easy to implement

   Ege: duplicate id there

   McCool: I will update it tomorrow

   Sebastian: no td call on May 31


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
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    $Date: 2019/05/30 20:47:49 $

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Received on Thursday, 30 May 2019 20:50:44 UTC