Switching WoT Calendars to W3C System

As discussed in the WoT main call this week:

For a long time I have been maintaining WoT meeting calendar entries using my personal calendar but this has numerous problems, including making it hard for new members to get updates and for other WoT chairs and staff to update them.  So we are going to be switching over to the W3C calendar system at https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/wot/calendar.  You can also download a single ICS file for all WoT meetings using https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/wot/calendar/export and import them directly into your own calendar.

The WoT calendar entries are all ready on the W3C system and it is time to switch over.  However, to do so, I am going to have to (a) cancel and delete all the existing invites in my personal calendars (b) trigger the W3C system to send invites to everyone to the new invite and (c) everyone needs to update their calendars to use the new invites for meetings they care about.

So, you are about to get a large number of cancellations and invites.  Sorry!  Note that the meetings themselves are not being cancelled, we are just switching over to a new calendar system.

To get updated from changes to the W3C invites however you may have to visit the above site, log in, and indicate your interest in a particular meeting.

Thanks, and... here goes.
Michael McCool

PS The chairs and editors calls are still on my personal calendar for now, since those have limited distribution.  It’s only the group meetings I am switching over at this time.

Received on Friday, 4 March 2022 16:07:16 UTC