- From: Kazuyuki Ashimura <ashimura@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2021 13:44:36 +0900
- To: public-wot-ig@w3.org, public-wot-wg@w3.org
available at: https://www.w3.org/2021/05/11-wot-uc-minutes.html also as text below. Thanks, Kazuyuki --- [1]W3C [1] https://www.w3.org/ ¡V DRAFT ¡V WoT Use Cases 11 May 2021 [2]IRC log. [2] https://www.w3.org/2021/05/11-wot-uc-irc Attendees Present Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Soumya_Kanti_Datta, Tomoaki_Mizushima Regrets - Chair Lagally Scribe kaz Contents 1. [3]Publication preparation 2. [4]Previous minutes 3. [5]wot-security issue 168 4. [6]Issue 45 5. [7]ITU-T liaison 6. [8]Use Case proposal from Soumya Meeting minutes Publication preparation McCool: we should create a branch to fix the current content for publication Kaz: +1 Lagally: ok ¡K let's do that offline Previous minutes Kaz: 3 minutes to be reviewed [9]Mar-9 [9] https://www.w3.org/2021/03/09-wot-uc-minutes.html [10]Apr-13 [10] https://www.w3.org/2021/04/13-wot-uc-minutes.html [11]May-4 [11] https://www.w3.org/2021/05/04-wot-uc-minutes.html Lagally: any problems with Mar-9 ones? (none) Lagally: what about Apr-13? ¡K discussion on the ITU-T liaison ¡K any concerns? (none) Lagally: then May-4 ¡K anything to be changed? (none) [all the three minutes approved] wot-security issue 168 [12]wot-security issue 168 - Add "Security and Privacy Considerations" to all use cases (or requirements) [12] https://github.com/w3c/wot-security/issues/168 McCool: I should set a standard for this purpose ¡K for the security/privacy questions [13]Security/Privacy questions [13] https://github.com/w3c/wot-security/issues/168#issuecomment-836667052 Lagally: seems some of the questions are kind of abstract ¡K what should the Editors consider? McCool: depends on the use cases Lagally: we should clarify our expectations for the guideline McCool: yes, and the next step should be generating a concrete PR for the text [14]related issue 84 on the wot-usecases side [14] https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/issues/84 Lagally: (adds a comment to Issue 84) [15]Lagally's comment [15] https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/issues/84#issuecomment-838389145 Issue 45 [16]Issue 45 - Review EdgeX Architecture [16] https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/issues/45 McCool: what do they need is a question ¡K for the possible hub section within the WoT Architecture spec [17]related wot-architecture issue 585 - Architectural patterns: Introduce star(hub) vs. p2p section [17] https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/585 (Sebastian leaves) Lagally: (adds comments to wot-usecases issue 45) [18]Lagally's comments [18] https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/issues/45#issuecomment-838396050 ITU-T liaison McCool: we sent a liaison statement suggesting we have a dedicated meeting with their experts ¡K they'll have their meeting on May 17-27 ¡K to discuss our proposal [19]Kaz's liaison letter [19] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-ig/2021May/0012.html McCool: note that there is another discussion on a potential group for JSON-LD Signature Lagally: a W3C group? McCool: yes [20]Linked Data Signature Charter proposal [20] https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues/262 McCool: do we want to have a TD signature? Lagally: (shows the draft proposed Charter) [21]Proposed Linked Data Signatures Working Group Charter [21] https://w3c.github.io/lds-wg-charter/index.html <mlagally> [22]https://w3c.github.io/lds-wg-charter/index.html [22] https://w3c.github.io/lds-wg-charter/index.html Lagally: (skims the proposed Charter) ¡K we should look at their expected timeline as well McCool: absolutely ¡K the timing when they'll produce what would be related to our future work as well Use Case proposal from Soumya Kaz: are the slides publicly available? Soumya: yes, and will send them to you all ¡K [IntellioT - Concepts and Use cases] ¡K [EU Project Participants] ¡K [NG IoT Use Cases] ¡K [Concept] ¡K high-level concept here ¡K IoT applications on the left side ¡K computation, communication infrastructure on the right side ¡K using AR/VR technology for human interfaces ¡K Eurecom is providing 5G connection ¡K [Use case 1: Agriculture] ¡K [Use cas 2: Healthcare] ¡K most important use case for WoT, I think ¡K the patients are equipped with some wearable devices ¡K this use case is very important to WoT because it includes various aspects for WoT ¡K [Use case 3: Manufacturing] ¡K orchestration of multiple devices including robots ¡K robot may encounter a thing which it have never seen yet ¡K so human operator can add support ¡K would like to generate descriptions for WoT Use Cases ¡K any questions? Lagally: timeline? Soumya: shows a timeline ¡K [Planned Work] ¡K start in Oct 2020 ¡K End-user workshop 1: Mar-Apr 2021 ¡K open call 1: Oct 2021 ¡K use case demos 1: Feb 2022 ¡K end-user workshop 2: May-Jun 2022 ¡K open call 2: Oct 2022 McCool: there is an existing use case description for edge computing and smart cities, etc. ¡K please look into them ¡K learning from the actual situation is interesting ¡K web workers, etc., for edge computing might be also interesting to you ¡K low-latency with reliability for robot is important Lagally: we have existing use cases as McCool mentioned ¡K would be important for you to look into them and think about orthogonal proposals McCool: use cases are written from the users' view <Zakim> kaz, you wanted to mention the upcoming smart cities workshop [23]cfp [23] https://www.w3.org/2021/06/smartcities-workshop/index.html Kaz: agree with McCool and Lagally. you can generate several possible use cases from the viewpoints of users and industries first, and then generate some more horizontal/technical use cases and requirements based on those initial use cases. possibly a good topic for the upcoming Smart Cities Workshop as well. Lagally: let's talk about the horizontal use cases and requirements ¡K please put down what are in your mind ¡K AOB? (none) Lagally: thanks a lot for your proposals, Soumya! ¡K the next Use Cases call will be held in 2 weeks on May 25 ¡K btw, due to the holiday in Germany, the Architecture call on May 13 will be cancelled ¡K will send a notice about that [adjourned] Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by [24]scribe.perl version 131 (Sat Apr 24 15:23:43 2021 UTC). [24] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html
Received on Monday, 12 July 2021 04:44:43 UTC