Forward: WoT Interest Group - Liaison statement from ITU-T SG20: [sp16-sg20-oLS-00190] (LS/r on W3C Web of Things baseline specifications (reply to WoTInterestGroup-W3CWoT1))

Hi public-wot-ig and public-wot-wg lists,

As you might know, we got a liaison statement LS-00190 from ITU-T Study
Group 20 (SG20) on the W3C Web of Things baseline specifications, and
I'm forwarding it based on the agreement of the SG20 guys.

This liaison statement describes the recent updates on their work,

1. They have published the following Recommendations related to WoT:
  * Recommendation ITU-T Y.4400 (07/2012) Framework of the web of things

  * Recommendation ITU-T Y.4452 (09/2016) Functional framework of web of objects

  * Recommendation ITU-T Y.4415 (06/2018) Architecture of web of objects-based, virtual home network

2. Now they're developing the following draft Recommendation related to WoT:
  * Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.eHealth-Semantic “Framework to support semantic mediation of eHealth services”

Also they gave the draft of the above Y.eHealth-Semantic "Framework to
support semantic mediation of eHealth services", which describes their
use cases and the possible framework on eHealth services, for our
review as attached. It would be great if you could review the draft,
(and possibly all three other documents above as well :) and give
feedback for further collaboration between W3C WoT and SG20 on
WoT-related topics.



Forwarded message 1

  • From: TSB SG20 Secretariat, ITU <>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2020 11:19:58 +0000
  • Subject: WoT Interest Group - Liaison statement from ITU-T SG20: [sp16-sg20-oLS-00190] (LS/r on W3C Web of Things baseline specifications (reply to WoTInterestGroup-W3CWoT1))
  • To: "Mccool, Michael" <>, "Kaebisch, Sebastian" <>, Kazuyuki Ashimura <>, Dave Raggett <>, Jeff Jaffe <>, "" <>
  • CC: "" <>, "" <>, Nasser Al Marzouqi <>, "Bueti, Maria Cristina" <>, "TSB SG20 Secretariat, ITU" <>
  • Message-ID: <ZRAP278MB012613B1F0E260B79143C630BCE20@ZRAP278MB0126.CHEP278.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
Dear colleagues,

At its meeting [Virtual, 6 November 2020], ITU-T SG20 agreed to the attached liaison statement to be sent to WoT Interest Group.

[sp16-sg20-oLS-00190]: LS/r on W3C Web of Things baseline specifications (reply to WoTInterestGroup-W3CWoT1).

Best regards,


Cristina Bueti
Counsellor on Internet of Things and Smart Sustainable Cities (ITU-T Study Group 20)

ITU Focal Point on Environment and Smart Sustainable Cities

TSB Focal Point for Latin America

International Telecommunication Union (United Nations)

Place des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel : +41 22 730 6301 | Mobile : +41 79 599 1458


Received on Monday, 21 December 2020 15:28:22 UTC