AW: TD lifecycle update

Thank you, Kajimoto-san!

I would like to bring up some more discussion points w.r.t. the TD lifecycle that we might want to discuss.

1. Validation of a TD

I believe it is important for us and the users that a TD is interpreted the same way across all involved parties.
Victor is working on a validation tool [1] for that. As exercise I did try the TDs you provided and there seems to be space of interpretation "what" is valid and what not (see [2])

2. Future Extensions / Backward compatibility

I guess this is kind of difficult but we may want to look at the situation a TD is evolving over time. Not just w.r.t. to the available interactions but also w.r.t. new TD versions allowing to provide more features et cetera.
I do not have an answer in mind but I guess this would mean using a new @context, right?


-- Daniel


Von: Kazuyuki Ashimura []
Gesendet: Samstag, 4. Februar 2017 04:47
An: Kazuo Kajimoto
Cc: Public Web of Things IG;
Betreff: Re: TD lifecycle update

Thank you, Kajimoto-san!

I've just added link to your provided resources to the f2f wiki:,_February_2017,_USA,_Santa_Clara#Wed.2C_08_Feb_2017:_Technical_Breakouts


On Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 8:41 AM, <<>> wrote:
Hi, WoT IG Members,

I'm Kazuo Kajimoto, Panasonic.

I've updated TD lifecycle proposal at

The proposal is described in TD_lifecycle_Syntax_on_JSON-LD.pptx

I try to expand current JSON-LD syntax to include part of other JSON-LD files.

In order to implement including functionality, I propose to introduce new keywords such as "@include".

I try to figure out extended syntax diagram and some sample JSON-LD descriptions in the power point slides.

And I modify JSON-LD playground (Python) to interpret the new keywords "@include", "@remove" and "@substitute".
Updated playground is also uploaded under

And I also uploaded some test files under same directory.
PanasonicAirCon_def0.jsonld includes some part of HomeAirCon_def0.jsonld, then customized interprets PanasonicAirCon_def0.jsonld and extend , compact process is done, then result.txt appears.

The interpreter is still under the development.

If you have interested in the syntax and implementation, please check

Especially, at open day, I'd like to hear JSON guys' opinion on it.
And Feb.8th, the break out for TD lifecycle update is scheduled.


Kazuo Kajimoto
Senior Councilor of Groupwide Software Strategy,
Groupwide CTO Office,
Panasonic Corporation

Kaz Ashimura, W3C Staff Contact for Auto, WoT, TV, MMI and Geo
Tel: +81 3 3516 2504

Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2017 09:36:27 UTC