New JSON Schema draft published!

Hi folks,
  I'm pleased to announce that the latest JSON Schema drafts have been
published.  Here are links to all of the documents, including a
Hyper-Schema migration FAQ (which won't be all that relevant to the Thing
Description format, but if anyone has been following Hyper-Schema it
explains the substantial changes in this draft).

  The latest drafts are listed under Draft 06, although the IETF names are

  Now that this draft is published we'll take a look at issues that have
been filed and start to prioritize things for the next draft.  If you have
thought of filing any issues but have not yet, now is the time!




   *Henry Andrews*  |  Systems Engineer

   1 888 99 FLARE  |

Received on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 22:15:16 UTC