[wot] minutes - 30 November 2016

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking these minutes, Nimura-san!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                                 WoT IG

30 Nov 2016



   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2016/11/30-wot-irc


          Kaz_Ashimura, Feng_Zhang, Kirby_Shabaga, Michael_McCool,
          Takeshi_Yamada, Michale_Koster, Daniel_Peintner,
          Dave_Raggett, Masato_Ohura, Takuki_Kamiya, Uday_Davluru,
          Yingying_Chen, Kazuaki_Nimura, Katsuyoshi_Naka,
          Zoltan_Kis, Johannes_Hund, Frank_Reusch,




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]WG Charter
         2. [6]F2F logistics
         3. [7]oneM2M liaison
         4. [8]OCF Liaison
         5. [9]TD update
         6. [10]Scripting update
         7. [11]Security TF
         8. [12]Any other business?
         9. [13]Next meeting
     * [14]Summary of Action Items
     * [15]Summary of Resolutions

   <kaz> scribe: Nimura

   <kaz> scribenick: k_nimura

   <kaz> agenda:


WG Charter

   mccool: our responses with updated draft Charter were sent to
   ... maybe she was on vacation and have not got updates so far

   kaz: kaz: Wendy is talking with the W3M as well

F2F logistics

   still waiting badget consens in Intel regarding for nest f2f.

   thanks giving delays the confirmation process.

oneM2M liaison

   mccool: regrets from Yongjing

OCF Liaison

   mccool: Michael Koster will talk about it.

   [17]Michael Koster's slides


   OCF data model presentation by Michael Koster:

   CRUD+N mapped to CoAP.

   CoAP with security and without security exist.

   Resource structure: links point to resource. resource has
   multiple properies interestingly.

   example resource represntation is presented.

   data model changes significantly.

   standard key words is defined in some RFCs.

   No standard http biding but works fine.

   Except for JSON and CBOR, any other binary mapping?

   EXI could be used but not defined yet.

   Resource Type means in OCF is specific resource description.

   <zkis> www.oneiota.org

   Interface type

   OCF interface type "if" defines methods and payloads

   Resource instance is expose more than one resource.

   you can have multple resource type: temprature of minimum and
   maximum or so.

   interaction model

   OCF URI scheme has generic URI.

   Details of interaction Model is shown.

   another features is batch collection.

   more than one resources deals by this.

   Restful actuation is presented.

   actuation payload can be batch expression.

   <kaz> johannes: question about resource type

   Resource definition uses RAML and JSON schema.

   <kaz> [18]GENIVI VSS

     [18] https://github.com/GENIVI/vehicle_signal_specification

   Working progress in Healthcare(continua), automotive(Genivi),
   UPnP(now part of OCF), Allseen device.

   kaz: you wanted to ask about writable and action

   mk: yes
   ... common design pattern is important for interoperability
   ... we use same data model design through this design pattern
   ... action pattern also can be described using mapping

TD update

   Any report from TD techinical work?

   No TD call today.

Scripting update

   <kaz> [19]Scripting minutes

     [19] https://www.w3.org/2016/11/28-wot-minutes.html

   johannes: Zoltan's contribution
   ... also discussion on issue-240 and 235

   Regarding the description languages and event handling methods,
   lists of option for plugfest will be posted..

Security TF

   mccool: Ryan is updating the Charter for the TF

Any other business?

   dsr: mentions the WG Charter procedure again including the
   possible announcement on the progress/status

   kaz: suggests we check with Wendy and consult with her about
   the next steps again

Next meeting

   kaz: we need to fix the basic logistics for the next f2f about
   hotel and flight, etc.

   mccool: right
   ... waiting for the conclusion about the logistics for next F2F
   meeting, not finalizing the details yet.

   <kaz> mccool adds updates to the agenda wiki: OCF liaison,
   translating TD to RDF
   ... also updates the date to "Dec. 7"

   <kaz> [ adjourned ]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [20]scribe.perl version
    1.148 ([21]CVS log)
    $Date: 2016/11/30 14:29:12 $

     [20] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [21] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Wednesday, 30 November 2016 16:32:47 UTC