[scripting] minutes - 7 November 2016

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Thanks for taking these minutes, Dave!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                   Web of things scripting task force

07 Nov 2016

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2016/11/07-wot-irc


          Kaz_Ashimura, Dave_Raggett, Kazuaki_Nimura,
          Uday_Davuluru, Johannes_Hund, Zoltan_Kis, Frank_Reusch,
          Yingying_Chen, Feng_Zhang, Masato_Ohura, Kevin_Jordan




     * [3]Topics
     * [4]Summary of Action Items
     * [5]Summary of Resolutions

   <scribe> scribenick: dsr

   <scribe> scribe: Dave_Raggett



   Zoltan presents his scripting API proposal

   He starts with discovery. He has updated the issues and is
   seeking feedback.

   He had a version with observers, but these aren’t ready yet

   The existing proposal uses a promise and returns an array

   You can’t normally wait until the array is fully populated and
   instead need a mechanism that reports things as they are

   This suggests a call back/eventing mechanism

   Johannes: we discussed some ideas for this, e.g. something like

   Zoltan: observers are a design pattern for a series of
   notifications from ECMA TC39
   ... for JavaScript

   For now we can stick with an existing solution, and plan to
   support JavaScript observers once they are widely supported

   Johannes: we could use something like setInterval so that you
   can cancel the notifications

   We would need a means to inititate and to cancel the
   notifications for discovery

   Dave: why not use regular events with filters and live arrays
   as in Mac OS?

   Zoltan: we can’t use filters with events.

   Dave: why not? We are free to define the API for subscribing to
   events. We could define a filter as static data, or as a call

   Zoltan: I am not against it if we can do it

   Dave: anyone prepared to comment on live arrays?

   Johannes: it is a bit abstract and I would like to see an

   Dave: it is used by Apple for zeroconf with mDNS

   Kaz: the W3C Multimodal Interaction WG have been working on
   discovery, and I would like to invite their suggestions

   Johannes: okay
   ... perhaps Dave could provide further details in email

   Zoltan moves on to discuss his consumedThing API

   This has several operations inspired by REST

   (presumably consumed thing is the API for a client of a thing)

   ExposedThing is the corresponding API for scripts that are
   publishing a thing.

   Zoltan walks us through the register and unregister operations

   Both the consumed and exposed thing APIs are compatible with
   REST protocols

   Johannes: so far we have things with properties, actions and
   events. I am unsure how your proposal maps to that model?

   Zoltan: my proposal maps to the whole thing

   Johannes: so you could use a PATCH operation to update

   Zoltan: yes

   Johannes: your proposal is similar to what we have already
   discussed, but is somewhat lower level, e.g. with CRUDN

   Zoltan: … how do you have a tree of things …

   Johannes: consider how to set an observer for a single
   property, how would you support that?

   Zoltan: an ECMAScript observer

   Johannes: Dave talks about proxy chains

   We should discuss the different approaches and where it makes
   sense to combine them

   Zoltan: yes, for that we need the use cases

   k_nimura: we need to separate the client and server APIs
   ... especially for a tree of proxies

   Zoltan: we do allow for that having both the client APIs and
   the server APIs

   Johannes: it could be that constrained nodes only support a
   subset of the APIs

   One example, is the means to add properties dynamically at run

   We may want a means to check what capabilities a given server

   k_nimura: we need rich capabilities for the cloud

   Zoltan: we could have an API for when the model changes

   Johannes: I am working on a demo for this with dynamic things,
   e.g. adding and removing properties. I will provide a pointer
   when it is further along

   Not every runtime needs to support the disovery API

   Zoltan: each thing would provide access to what capabilties it

   In OCF these are referred to as “interfaces”

   Zoltan: this is also related to access control. However, I am
   not sure how general it is across different protocols

   k_nimura: is there a lifecycle document available from the OCF?

   Zoltan: the interfaces are defined statically in advance

   k_nimura: if you think about tree structure, you may want to
   consider a dynamic API, but it isn’t there in OCF right now?

   Zoltan: no it is not

   Kaz: so we plan to consider adding a capabilties mechanism to
   the current practices based on today's discussion?

   what are the next steps?

   Johannes: my view is that we have an overlap with what OCF is
   doing, however, we also see differences, I think we should
   review the use cases and then decide how to proceed in respect
   to the next plugfest

   <kaz> s/a capabilities mechanism/some more mechanism, e.g.,
   server capability,/

   We only have a few months before the next plugfest, so we need
   to progress quickly

   but note that it is very open to comments

   Zoltan: the web of things emphasises data models, and that is
   not so much the case for the OCF APIs, but we should look at
   the use cases

   we don’t know enough to converge on the scriptin APIs right now

   k_nimura: if we want to merge the specs, is the intention to
   automatically support OCF devices?

   Zoltan provides some further background

   Zoltan: e.g. in the context of dynamic models, that should be
   worked out at W3C

   Johannes: are there any implementations we can look at?

   Zoltan: Michael Koster has one based upon the OCF REST server

   Johannes: so we need to consider the use cases over the next
   month to drive the discussion along with appropriate examples

   It would be good to include some OCF devices in the plugfest

   Zoltan: that would be a good idea

   Johannes brings the meeting to a close and thanks Zoltan for
   his contributions

   Zoltan will update his proposal and provide a pull request

   Johannes: lets look forward to discussion on combining APIs.

   Others are invited to also put together some proposals fo
   future calls.

   scribe: , end of meeting …

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

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Received on Wednesday, 9 November 2016 16:07:56 UTC