AW: Proposed wording for the IG charter scope

Hi Dave,

your scoping list is the consolidated version of the discussion here:

I will simple update my pull request with this new version that you can find here:

Best regards

Von: Dave Raggett []
Gesendet: Montag, 9. Mai 2016 16:59
An: Public Web of Things IG
Betreff: Proposed wording for the IG charter scope

I am seeking feedback on some proposed wording for the IG charter scope. I am having problems with github, Matthias is helping me, but I am not sure that everyone in the IG is tracking the pull requests, and have copied the proposed changes here in the interim.

I would like to include Takuki Kamiya-san’s figure for the relationships between the IG, WG and other groups, see:

Here is a proposed wording for the start of the scope section:


          <div class="summary">
          <p style="text-align:center;font-style:italic">Scope Summary</p>
          <p>The Web of Things Interest Group seeks to:</p>
                      <li>Support the proposed Web of Things Working Group</li>
                      <li>Explore areas and identify work that is ready for transfer to the W3C Recommendation Track</li>
                      <li>Organize and run plugfests to evaluate the current working assumptions of Web of Things technology building blocks</li>
                      <li>Reach out and collaborate with interested parties, vendors and communities in support of the  Interest Group's mission</li>

          <p>The Web of Things Interest Group is a forum for discussion of ideas relating to the Web of Things and is intended to complement the role of the proposed Web of Things Working Group. This is illustrated in the following diagram.</p>

          <img style="float:right" src="WoT%20IG%20relationship.png" alt="relationship between WoT IG and WG" />


I will provide the bullet points with the details in the next email.
   Dave Raggett <<>>

Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2016 07:00:16 UTC