Re: Call for WoT Implementations

Hi Daniel,

It’s a prototype open source project for web of thing application development.

- Software / Project Name : wot.js
- URL :



- Organization Name : ETRI
- Platform, Language : node.js
- License : Apache 2.0
- Concise, short maturity-level statement : WoT.js is an open source Javascript framework for WoT(Web of Things) applications on OSHW(Open Soure Hardware) using Node.js. It support Rasberry PI, Beaglebone Black, Intel Edison.  Short introduction slide -

Best Regards,

— Jonathan Jeon

2016. 6. 3., 오후 11:33, Tibor Zsolt Pardi <<>> 작성:

Hi Daniel

We have created a completely open source, GNU GPL licensed application that implements WoT.
The application is Streembit, a decentralized, peer-to-peer, blockchain based communication software for humans and machine. The M2M/IoTmodules directly mirror the work what we have committed to the W3C web-of-things-framework at as well as the device definition approaches of WoT.

The application is explained at<> and I try to explain in this blog of what we are up to with regards to decentralized IoT and WoT. A white paper with a high level explanation of the project is at .
We communicate to our users the importance of standardization as well as make clear that the Streembit project is developed by implementing the current WoT approach and intend to mirror all future developments of WoT.

There is a Raspberry PI binding is released to provide ARM architecture implementations with a reference design.

We are looking for collaborators and sponsors so please feel free to join us to build this application :-))) The objective is to create a WoT based framework that manages IoT devices without any corporate owned, proprietary, centralized solutions and does this in a truly peer-to-peer manner.

- Software / Project Name: Streembit
- URL: , source: (sub projects under the "Modules" section)
- Organization Name: -
- Platform, Language: Node.js, C, C++
- License: GNU GPL
- Concise, short maturity-level statement: Prototype, experimental level, though we are already assisting to the first commercial implementations. (we also work on the complete rewrite of the distributed hash table (DHT) and blockchain modules with the aim of addressing unsolved issues of decentralized computing such as Sybil attack, 51% attack and Byzantine generals problem.)


Tibor Zsolt Pardi
CTO ZoVolt Ltd

On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Peintner, Daniel (ext) <<>> wrote:
Dear Friends of Web of Things,

As the Web of Things Interest Group has conducted a number of plugfests to share and explore implementation experience, there

has been a growing amount of curiosity from both inside and outside of the group to know what kind of projects have already

started working on the Web of Things.

Although WoT has not yet become officially standardized, we would like to make an early survey of on-going implementation

efforts. Also, we would like to ask WoT implementors to share the following data pertinent to each project.

- Software / Project Name
- Organization Name
- Platform, Language
- License
- Concise, short maturity-level statement

We intend to make a list of collected implementation data, and make it available on the WoT page [1]. Please share your data

by sending it to this list.

We appreciate your interest, help and support.


-- Daniel


Received on Thursday, 23 June 2016 06:54:57 UTC