[TF-TD] TD restructuring call Dec 14

I am coming down with a bug and may not make tomorrow’s early morning call (early in the UK at least). Following on from last week's request for a grammar of the RDF model of thing descriptions, I have written down an informal definition and some details about the use of augmented transition networks for validating thing descriptions in RDF. I will have a working demo of the validator in time for next week’s call. For more details, see:


I’ve also uploaded a diagram by Shaun Howell that was automatically generated from the RDF from the thing description for the water demo I previously showed.

p.s. the use of ATN’s lends itself to graphical depiction of rules, so I should be able to automatically create a diagram containing the formal model of thing descriptions from the definitions in turtle.

   Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org <mailto:dsr@w3.org>>

Received on Tuesday, 13 December 2016 19:41:11 UTC