- From: Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 11:58:13 +0100
- To: Public Web of Things IG <public-wot-ig@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <A864283C-C89D-4199-9344-2918EF8C0C45@w3.org>
As you know, the Web of Things Interest Group charter expired at the end of March. Philipp Hoschka is seeking a short term extension so that we can prepare a new charter and progress it through the W3C Advisory Committee Review process. This gives us something like 4 weeks to get the charter ready for the AC Review. Your help is therefore needed to help ensure that the new charter matches what we need and want to accomplish over the next year or two. Takuki Kamiya and Sebastian Kaebisch have both kindly agreed to be co-editors with me. I started a GitHub issue as a way to collect and track feedback, see: https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/issues/67 <https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/issues/67> Please read this through and add your comments. Your ideas and feedback are essential to us having a strong charter for our continuing work. Issue 67 includes a link to our old charter. Joerg plans to track progress on both the Interest Group and Working Group charters during our weekly call each Wednesday. Note I’ve also put in place a template with some *very* rough content at: https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/blob/gh-pages/wot-ig-2016.html <https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/blob/gh-pages/wot-ig-2016.html> and viewable at: https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/wot-ig-2016.html <https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/wot-ig-2016.html> This will be updated by the editors as we progress the discussion around the issues and reach a consensus point by point. Many thanks in advance for your help! p.s. my regrets for this Wednesday’s call as I travelling first for the Hannover Trade Fair and then to present the Web of Things at the Open Group’s conference in London. — Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org <mailto:dsr@w3.org>>
Received on Monday, 25 April 2016 10:58:23 UTC