[WoT-IG]: WoT IG webconf this week

Dear all,

I hope you had a safe trip back home from the WoT F2F meeting in Montreal.

At the F2F on last Thursday we agreed on to have an IG call on this Wednesday. For that meeting, there was a request from Japan to start 30min later. So, the meeting time will be 14:30 - 16:00 CET / 5:30 - 7:00 PDT / 22:30 - 0:00 (+ 1d) JST. Please find below the agenda. The web meeting details for this particular slot is currently prepared and will be shared beforehand.

Best regards

Call agenda:

-       Recap of f2f meeting

-       WG preparation status and open issues

-       Action items and assignments

-       DI scenarios by Louay and Soumya

-       Architecture update ("implementation view")

-       Next call agenda

Received on Monday, 18 April 2016 15:28:12 UTC