[Generic Sensor API] Spec update and TPAC meetings

Hi all,

Just a quick update on the Generic Sensor API.

The goal of the Generic Sensor API is to promote consistency across
sensor APIs and increase the pace at which they can be exposed to the
Web by simplifying both the specification and implementation processes.

The plan is for the spec[1] to offer both a set of abstract classes to
extend and concrete guidance on how to do so. It will be released as a
FPWG along with a use case document[2] in time for TPAC.

While the primary focus of the spec is for on-device sensors, there
should be nothing there that prevents us from extending it to meet your
use cases.

At TPAC, we have a breakout session planned[3] and will hold an ad-hoc
meeting on the Tuesday[4]. You're welcomed to join both.
It would be great if you could bring concrete examples and use cases
with you so we can make sure the current design of the API really fits
your requirements and have a feel for what those APIs would look like
within WoT.

Looking forward to meet you there.



[1]: http://w3c.github.io/sensors/
[2]: http://w3c.github.io/sensors/usecases.html
[3]: https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2015/SessionIdeas#Generic_Sensor_API

Received on Wednesday, 30 September 2015 08:46:14 UTC