AW: Poll on teleconferences

Hi Dave and all,

thanks for your effort to organize the group’s kick off.

Please let me first introduce myself. My name is Darko Anicic. I am researcher in Siemens Corporate Technology and work in the area of Web of Things, Semantic Technologies and Event Processing. I have been involved in a few W3C activities. I find the group very interesting and would be happy to contribute.

Regarding the organization, I share Joerg’s view to start with 2 groups:
     Group GMT+X: the odd weeks have a call at 9 am GMT (stating with 24th February, biweekly) and
     Group GMT-X: the even weeks have a call at 18 pm GMT (starting with 3rd of March, biweekly).

At least, this proposal would be easier to start with (in comparison to 3 groups). Regarding the day, my preference is either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Thank you.
Cheers,          Darko Anicic

Von: Dave Raggett []
Gesendet: Montag, 9. Februar 2015 19:06
An: Heuer, Joerg
Betreff: Re: Poll on teleconferences

Well spotted, I got your email and didn’t check that it also made it to the list!  I’ve no idea why your email didn’t make it to the list. You are certainly listed as a participant, see:

I checked your W3C account details and your email address is registered as:<>.

My apologies for the problem, I suspect it may have been a glitch, so suggest trying again, and if that fails, I will take it up with the W3C system admin team.  I will also add the call details to the wiki.

Best regards,

On 3 Feb 2015, at 00:36, Heuer, Joerg <<>> wrote:

Thanks for your support and feedback to Daves poll. By your answer some of you already took the opportunity to briefly introduce yourself. I think this is for the start of the IG a good practice:

My name is Joerg Heuer. Some of you I might already have met at the WoT workshop in last summer in Berlin. I am responsible for embedded networks within Siemens Corporate Technology. The WoT trigger was set in our team by different cross domain applications in the fields of smart grid, electric mobility and automation. So we started to work with web technologies in embedded networks for pilot implementations. The discussions in the recent months have shown that there are quite different views on that elephant called WoT and I look forward to further discuss the understanding of WoT in the starting IG.

To start the work in the IG it seems to be most practical to have some initial calls. Based on your comments  it seems most appropriate to setup a sequence of two separate calls at least in the initialization phase of the WoT IG up to the first F2F. So the concrete proposal would be:

Starting with the 24th of February every Tuesday in
      Group GMT+X: the odd weeks have a call at 9 am GMT (stating with 24th February, biweekly) and
Group GMT-X: the even weeks have a call at 18 pm GMT (starting with 3rd of March, biweekly).

It is clear that this approach is not balanced. But taking the limited number of calls until a first F2F under account this approach enables all to participate and have at least only two groups in parallel which might make an initialization easier.

A)     What do you think of the two group approach? Is it feasible?
B)      Is Tuesday acceptable? At least it avoids Monday and Friday as mentioned in the replies.


   Dave Raggett <<>>

Received on Wednesday, 11 February 2015 08:26:56 UTC