RE: [TF-DI] Agenda and webex details - 13 Aug 2015 at 15:00 CEST

Dear Soumya-san,

Last F2F Sunnyvale meeting, in TF-AP, we introduce lifecycle model of WoT Servient described in
attached PDF”TF-AP breakout report concensus.pdf”  pp8-9.

As Soumya-san mentioned in your presentation slides, discovery technologies could be classified
according to the status such as powered on and off.
And I also attached “W3C WoT Lifecycle Kajimoto 20150814.pdf”.

In this slide, WoT device which has stand-by mode which enables to report wake up to other clients
can be represented as “Registered” when its power is off, and as “Activated” when its power on.

Looking at technology landscape on discovery technologies, for example NFC or QR code might
bee used for transition from offline status to other status.

Current consumer electronics case, when consumer buys CE at the store and set up in his house,
then CE is in status “Offline #0” status.
After that, consumer uses NFC, QR code, WPS (WiFi Protected Setup) or AOSS (Air station One
touch Secure System) technology, then stand-alone CE joins local home network as low layer
based on WiFi or 802.11.4g etc.
After that UPnP and so on assists provides device discovery function and service discovery function
and assist to connect CE to home network as higher layer based on Echonet Lite , AllSeen Alliance
frame work or Open Interconnect Consortium frame work etc.
Then CE’s status changes from “Offline #0” to “Online”.

Then consumer registers the CE to cloud platform in order to make CE reachable from everywhere.
The registration technology would be assisted some system solutions and sometimes it would
depend on human-manual-power.
Then CE’s status changes from “Online” to “Registered”
In this case, cloud platform plays a role of WoT Servient, provides APIs to client such as browsers
and guarantees the communication path between client and CE(=thing).
This scenario is written according to cloud centric implementation of WoT Servient which is describe
in attached “W3C WoT API Mapping 20150810.pdf” p.3

In the near future, CE might have LTE, 4G or 5G communication channel, then consumer might get
SIM card when he buys CE at a CE store.
In the house, consumer insert SIM card in CE, then CE is at the status “Offline #2”.
After that consumer turns on the CE, then the status changes from “Offline #2” to “Activated”.
This scenario is written according to Web centric implementation.

Once the thing works as WoT Servient, then directory search mechanism or some servicer crawled
and gather meta data of WoT Servient description and provides matching functionality.

So, referring TF-AP’s WoT Servient life cycle, I think discover technology can be classified
for IG members as easy to understand.

Kazuo Kajimoto
Senior Councillor of Groupwide Software Strategy,
Groupwide CTO Office<>

From: Soumya Kanti Datta []
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 1:03 AM
Subject: Re: [TF-DI] Agenda and webex details - 13 Aug 2015 at 15:00 CEST


The slides from my presentation are attached herein.


Research Engineer, Eurecom, France | +33658194342 | @skdatta2010 | Skype id: soumyakantidatta
On 13-08-2015 19:54, Soumya Kanti Datta wrote:
Dear All,

The minutes of TF-DI meeting today can be found at -

Thanks to William and Arne for their presentations and Ari for taking down the minutes. Please note that there will be a joint session TF-DI and IG-SP next week at the same time.


Research Engineer, Eurecom, France | +33658194342 | @skdatta2010 | Skype id: soumyakantidatta
On 11-08-2015 20:01, Soumya Kanti Datta wrote:
Dear All,

Please find a draft agenda and webex details for the next TF-DI meeting below which is scheduled on 13th August at 15:00 CEST.

Webex details:
Meeting number: 644 315 765
Audio connection: +1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number, access code 644 315 765
Meeting password: wotig
Meeting link:

Draft agenda:
- Discovery presentation from William Miller
- Review of discussion at F2F Sunnyvale
- Interaction patterns of tech landscape [1]
- Kick-start of discussion on security and discovery

If you would like to add anything for the agenda, send me an email.



Research Engineer, Eurecom, France | +33658194342 | @skdatta2010 | Skype id: soumyakantidatta

Received on Friday, 14 August 2015 10:47:16 UTC