summary of yesterday's TF call

Dear All,

Please find the summary below for yesterday's TF call. Thanks.

1. IoT World USA retrospect
     - that was a very good event. See
     - Yingying to create a member list for communication TF.
     - Karen to share with us the banner to the member list once 
Yingying creates it.
2. Status update for the upcoming events we identified in last meeting:
     i)  Industry of Things World Europe, Berlin, 19-20 September 2016 [5].
         - Dave is talking with Georg from the German Office and not 
much planned at this point.
         - Prof. Wolfgang from DFKI will be speaking
     ii) Karen shared a series of events of Industry of Things World:
         - Security of Things World USA, San Diego:
             * suggest Dave Rogers talk on Dave Rogers.
         - developer focused event in San Diego:
         * use public list for planning part and member list for outreaching
     ii)  IEEE IoT conference in Reston, VA, U.S. on 12-14 Dec. 2016:
         - Soumya has introduced Dave to the IEEE IoT conference committee
         - Soumya will introduce Karen to the Chair, Antonio
     iii) Interop Tokyo event in Makuhari, Japan on 8-10 Jun. 2016:
         - Keio team 20th anniversary co-located with this Tokyo event, 
specific date is June 9th
             * to invite David Rodgers for consideration of IoT/WoT Security
             * to invite Joerg and Johannes for summarization of WoT 
work within W3C
             * to invite Mr. Kajimoto from Panasonic
             * perhaps a panel discussion
           - Kaz to let Joerg and Johannes aware of it.
     iv) WWW 2016 W3C Track in Montréal, Canada, on 13-14 April 2016 [8]*
*- Kaz to check with Marie-Clarie whether there is more slot for 
Japanese members
3. Liaison Statement from OMA CD to W3C on GotAPI and DWAPI
     - To invite Bryan Sullivan of AT&T to present their work at an 
upcoming AP call
4. ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG 10 requested for feedback on a draft for ISO/IEC 
30141, IoT Reference Architecture, and for contributions on IoT use cases
     - **Dave to upload ISO/IEC attachments to the wiki and provide a link
5. WoT F2F meeting plan (April, July)
     - Montreal F2F in April wiki is available:,_April,_11th_-_13th,_Montreal,_Canada
         * call for speakers on open day.
         * Karen shared someone from Symantec might be potential speaker 
and would help to find more.
     - Beijing F2F in July:,_July_2016,_China,_Beijing
         * meeting dates: 11 July to 14 July
         * Yingying to clarify with CETC and Angel about the time slot 
of talks, demos, plugfest.
6. testimonials from members and from other alliances and SDOs :
     - member testimonials added to landing page: Will add Siemens testimonial which is currently 
in progress.
     - Yingying to check with Systeam on the plugin of landing page to 
make the testimonials rotate.
     - Yingying to initiate the discussion on who from which 
SDOs/Alliances we need to request testimonials.
7. improve/add liaison organizations of W3C in liaison page
     - Dave is working with Stefan Hoppe on a draft collaboration with 
OPC Foundation and an entry for our liaison page, need to bring back to 
Joerg and the group for approval
     - Joerg to reach out to OIC for the WoT IG Montreal F2F
8. Soumya is providing WoT related articles for Consumer Electronics 
Magazine, IEEE [15]
     - will be published in July and Soumya will send the link to IG 
mailing list.
9. Reynier's proposal for outreach messaging on IoT:
     - to check where is the wiki page to integrate the message.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2016 06:50:30 UTC