editsection done

olivier Thereaux <ot@w3.org> writes:
> On Oct 20, 2007, at 02:41 , Sandro Hawke wrote:
> > We might want to make the edit link more subtle [suggestions?],
> > but I think it is generally a good idea, especially for longer
> > documents.
> +1 : section edit capability is one reason why we're using mediawiki :)
> I suggest {font-size: smaller; color: #999;}

As discussed, I edited skins/w3cmonobook/main.css to comment out
the line
      .editsection { display: none; }

The font sizes are already in there, on a per-heading basis, eg
      h3 .editsection { font-size: 76%; font-weight: normal }

and they look fine to me.   Adding a color property as you suggest
doesn't seem to work.  I have no idea why not.  (I tried shift-reload
and exiting the page, so I don't think it's a caching thing.)

I did add:

     .editsection { float:right; }

which I think is more the style we want.

      -- Sandro

Received on Thursday, 25 October 2007 18:34:41 UTC