RE: Uploading to MediaWiki


According to [1], there's a Perl module for parsing the XML export.
Looks like my spare time just got filled.



-----Original Message-----
From: Rotan Hanrahan 
Sent: 25 October 2007 17:37
To: Rotan Hanrahan;
Subject: RE: Uploading to MediaWiki

There is one other thing I wanted to point out...

If you are a WikiMedia Sysop you'll know about the import/export
feature. This enables you to export any existing WikiMedia pages as an
XML archive, and also to import such XML archives into a WikiMedia

I am considering this option instead of the HTTP mechanism illustrated
in the code I previously attached.

BUT... I don't know anything about the WikiMedia import/export XML
format. (Although as a Sysop on my test server, I can easily get

Has anyone got any experience using the import/export feature? If so,
this is something I'd be very interested to know about because this
mechanism can preserve timestamps and other metadata.



Received on Thursday, 25 October 2007 16:47:15 UTC