Re: Minimum Age verification

> On Sep 29, 2016, at 7:01 , Richard Dunne <> wrote:
> Is minimum age verification possible to enforce?  In context, to be able to distinguish between adults(18+) and children(minors/under 18).  

I was going to point you to Manu’s work, but he beat me to it.

I am sure you are aware, but though your question looks simple, it is actually quite complex. You have to structure:
* how I prove that I am the person that that authority over there identifies as X
* how they prove that they have the ability/liability to assert my page
* how I determine that both you and the service have a reasonable right to know my age (privacy)

There are related questions; for example, someone that I can determine is under 18 is probably not a policeman…

well, it gets fraught.  good luck!

David Singer
Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Thursday, 29 September 2016 19:03:53 UTC