Re: [whatwg] What's the element for a paragraph label?

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 10:40 AM, David Singer <> wrote:
> I am guessing that he'd like a consistent way to style the terms in a ‘definition of terms’ section, the acronyms in a ‘list of acronyms’ section, and so on.
> <div>
>  <h>defined terms</h>
>  <p><thingbeingdefined>Fruit</thingbeingdefined>: delicious stuff that falls from trees</p>
>  …
> </div>
> <div>
>  <h>acronyms</h>
>  <p><thingbeingdefined>OTT</thingbeingdefined>: lit. Over the Top, figuratively meaning something excessive</p>
>  …
> </div>

What is this random xml? We have long had elements for exactly this purpose:

 <h2>defined terms</h2>
 <dl><dt>Fruit</dt><dd>delicious stuff that falls from trees</dd>
 <dl><dt><abbr title="Over the Top">OTT</abbr></dt><dd> lit. Over the
Top, figuratively meaning something excessive</dd>

(there was <acronym> too, but <abbr> is now recommended instead.

Received on Thursday, 8 September 2016 18:38:57 UTC