Re: [whatwg] Web API for Health Sensors

Hello All:

I do not think an API would be the solution for facing the need of 
standards in sensors.

I agree, however in the need of a solution -- a kind of standarized 
solution -- for the forthcoming trends in data collection.

XML worked pretty well for this half a decade a go or more, I guess. 
Personally, I do not see JSON as a solution appliable to this concern.

Delfin Ramirez
+34 633 589231

twitter: delfinramirez

  IRC: segonquart Skype: segonquart

On 2014-09-12 12:45, Arpita Bahuguna wrote:
> Hello all,
> Some of us were pondering over the need of having Web API(s) for health 
> and
> similar other sensors. With the growing presence of such sensors on
> smart-watches and such, we believe a Web interface for retrieving data 
> from
> such sensors is required (especially for Web Apps).
> Towards that end, we would like to know whether any work has been done
> towards creating a Web API for Health Sensors (and the like).
> Currently, the health sensor data is available only for native apps.
> Would appreciate the community's opinion on the same. Also, if such a
> standard is already under development, could someone kindly point us in 
> the
> right direction?
> Regards,
> Arpita Bahuguna

Received on Friday, 12 September 2014 17:17:57 UTC