[whatwg] Sending page generation timing information, was: HTTP status code from JavaScript

On 2014-05-28 19:42, Joshua Peek wrote:
> Exposing would be very useful to web application developers.
> Just to add some use cases.
> The Ruby on Rails framework automatically sets a header called
> "X-Runtime" to the number of milliseconds it took to render the body.
> Its pretty handily to get this value in JS and do a window.performance
> stats comparison against the backend render time.
> Today, you have to inject this stat into the footer of the html to
> expose it to JS.

Well. The best way to fix *that* would be to use trailers (which would 
need UA changes as well). Using trailers, the server wouldn't need to 
buffer the response body just to be able to tell how long it took to 
generate it...

Best regards, Julian

Received on Monday, 2 June 2014 13:59:31 UTC