- From: Bruno Racineux <bruno@hexanet.net>
- Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 13:25:26 -0800
- To: "matmarquis.com" <mat@matmarquis.com>
- Cc: whatwg <whatwg@lists.whatwg.org>
On 11/15/13 9:48 PM, "matmarquis.com" <mat@matmarquis.com> wrote: >I©öd say the likelihood of a project not using a content image directory a >step or two from root is roughly the same as the likelihood that I©öm >hot-linking to images on someone else©ös website‹which is to say ©øvery >slim.©÷ The ©øreal world with clouds©÷ case is a lot more apt to land >somewhere between two exaggerations, with a more common representation of >usage being something like: There is no exaggeration, I write here based on knowledge, research, and facts. I'd say you are either misunderstanding the broad based usage of RespImg or not well aware of current practices. There are no imgurl <base> element here, and RespImg is not limited to your 2-5 local theme or ui images. 'Very-slim' would be speaking of small sites which serve images locally for a theme and have a well designed short path structure which very few people practice or even care for. And by: /img/path/pic100.png, for content images, you realistically mean: /images/2013/11/15/my-seo-optimized-name-web-400x300.jpg I just showed you a medium range 'flickr' case which is an image gallery website serving thousand of widgets. The cases applies to Facebook album images and everything else in that category. With Wordpress accounting for 20% of all websites, here is your wordpress default average theme path: //s.ma.tt/blog-content/themes/twentythirteen/images/headers/circle.png Sitepoint (wordpress based): Local theme: //www.sitepoint.com/wp-content/themes/sitepoint/assets/svg/sitepoint.svg Content: //dab1nmslvvntp.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/azurefig1.png Cloud: //dab1nmslvvntp.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/jump-start-php_35 5.png Here are two random ones from a Drupal site: //www.eurocentres.com/sites/default/files/styles/ec_header_image/public/cou rse_ss_panorama.jpg?itok=czf1epUh //www.eurocentres.com/sites/default/files/styles/ec_teaser_image_side_wide/ public/brochure.jpg?itok=-SndaYVk" With just the Drupal default 'path' being: "sites/all/mytemplate/files/category/etc" Mashable Rack CDN: //rack.3.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEzLzExLzE1LzhhL2JiMS5hN2I3Ny5qcGcKcAl0 aHVtYgkxNzV4MTc1IwplCWpwZw/1303c958/d02/bb1.jpg NYTimes CDN: //i1.nyt.com/images/2013/11/16/us/SNAKES-1/SNAKES-1-hpMedium-v2.jpg Techcrunch CDN: //tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/football-blank2.jpg The chances of a path as short as '/img/path/pic100.png' in bytes size is the one that's very slim I am afraid. In fact, I dare you to find me a platform that stores its uploaded images with an average path that short by design. ><img >src="/img/path/pic100.png" >src-1="100% (30em) 50% (50em) calc(33% - 100px); > /img/path/pic100.png 100, > /img/path/pic200.png 200, > /img/path/pic400.png 400, > /img/path/pic800.png 800, > /img/path/pic1600.png 1600, > /img/path/pic3200.png 3200" >alt="[Š]"> > >I don©öt find this terribly difficult to parse, as an author. Even with a path that short this the way it reads as a real world source: <img src="/img/path/pic100.png" src-1="100% (30em) 50% (50em) calc(33% - 100px); /img/path/pic100.png 100, /img/path/pic200.png 200, /img/path/pic400.png 400, /img/path/pic800.png 800,/img/path/pic1600.png 1600, /img/path/pic3200.png 3200" You can barely tell how many src(s) there are, right away.
Received on Saturday, 16 November 2013 21:25:57 UTC