Re: [whatwg] Fetch: crossorigin="anonymous" and XMLHttpRequest

On Mar 19, 2013 4:20 AM, "Anne van Kesteren" <> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
> > By not including cookies or other login information you are already
> > forcing the capability model since you can't tell the connection from
> > one that is server-to-server.
> >
> > Including the referrer header, at least by default, seems very useful
> > still since there is lots of infrastructure in servers which are using
> > those for logging purposes.
> I don't disagree, but they wanted to avoid exposing any kind of
> originating data so people could not make trust decisions based on
> that at all (however silly doing that may be). See
> in particular.
> I don't really mind what we do here either way.

I don't think that that is a particularly convincing argument since there
is no confused deputy problem here, and if a website is making security
decisions based on referrer headers even when there are no other
identifying signals, then that website is a lost cause.

In other words, I see no new attack vectors being introduced, but I do see
additional value, if we keep the referrer.

Regarding origin. I guess I don't care terribly strongly either way. But I
don't really see the value of creating an exception here from regular CORS
given that I don't see any attack vectors that are being closed.

/ Jonas

Received on Tuesday, 19 March 2013 22:30:57 UTC