Re: [whatwg] Submitting contentEditable Content In A Form

On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 07:37:13PM +0200, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 1:23 AM, Ian Hickson <> wrote:
> > Incidentally, it seems to use a WebKit-specific "plaintext-only" value.
> > Should we spec that? Aryeh? It's filed as:
> >
> >
> >
> > If this should involve changes to HTML, let me know.
> In principle, yes, this should be specced.  In practice, it would
> require extensive changes to the editing spec and a lot of careful
> thinking, and no one is really working on editing implementations
> anyway.  Gecko's editor code is in maintenance mode, I haven't
> received a single piece of feedback ever about editing from IE or
> Opera people, and WebKit is the one that already implements the
> feature, so I don't see the effort as being worth the time spent right
> now.  (I did receive feedback from Opera about selection, but not
> editing as far as I remember.)
> The same goes for any other proposed editing spec features.  When I
> see people actually implementing the existing spec, that's when it
> will make sense for me to spend more of my time adding more stuff to
> it.  Until then, I might fix bugs, but that's it.

Aryeh and all,

Initially I was attracted to the list because it seemed like virtually
the only place where direct editing of web pages, especially via
contentEditable, was under discussion.

The main (or only?) thrust of the conversations is how to standardize
the existing contentEditable practice.  Mainly I am interested in
collaborating with others to develop new web-editing practices.  If you
can refer me to a more suitable list for that sort of discussion, I
would owe you a debt of gratitude.

Now, back to lurking mode. :-)


David Young    Urbana, IL    (217) 721-9981

Received on Sunday, 21 October 2012 02:46:49 UTC