Re: [whatwg] Control and Undefined Characters

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 9:07 AM, Ian Hickson <> wrote:
> User agents are required to treat U+0001 the same as, say, "A".

Yeah that is how I understood the specification.

>> And testing in Firefox and Chrome it appears these characters are
>> ignored. But I see no mention of this anywhere to ignore them or how to
>> handle them.
> Do you have a test case demonstrating this? When I tested it it seemed
> like the characters were not ignored:

Oh nevermind me. Saving the page and using a hex editor I see that it
still is there. Sorry I was inspecting the DOM and the control
characters are invisible characters (early in the morning and my brain
is not functioning correctly).

So section ' Phrasing content' is only referring to
conforming documents when it mentions that text nodes and attribute
values should not include control characters other than space

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2012 23:27:16 UTC