[whatwg] Question: rel="help"

29.9.2011 20:34, Schalk Neethling wrote:

> I heard some mention of using the data-* attributes so, something like:
> <a href="" data-tooltip="Some help text"></a>

The data-* attributes are supposed to be strictly private, so they are 
the last resort.

This all depends on what is going on, which was not disclosed
in the original question. The use of rel="help" is for most practical
purposes just an idle attribute (few user agents pay any attention to 
it). But the title attribute is used, so the questions are: What would
you like to happen when JavaScript is disabled? Is it OK to search 
engines to treat the title="..." attribute value as actually relating to 
the link?

Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

Received on Thursday, 29 September 2011 10:48:12 UTC