[whatwg] Full Screen API Feedback

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Jer Noble <jer.noble at apple.com> wrote:
> 3. "fullscreenchange" events and their targets.
> The current proposal states that a "fullscreenchange" event must be dispatched when a document enters or leaves full-screen. Additionally, "when the event is dispatched, if the document's current full-screen element is an element in the document, then the event target is that element, otherwise the event target is the document." ?This has the side effect that, if an author adds an event listener for this event to an element, he will get notified when an element enters full screen, but never when that element exits full-screen (if the current full screen element is cleared, as it should be, before the event is dispatched.) ?In addition, if the current full-screen element is changed while in full screen mode (e.g. by calling requestFullScreen() on a different element) then an event will be dispatched to only one of the two possible targets.
> Proposal: split the "fullscreenchange" events into two: "fullscreenentered" and "fullscreenexited" (or some variation thereof) and fire each at the appropriate element.

Couldn't you simply define that "fullscreenchange" is fired after the
fullscreen is cleared, but still fire it on the element which used to
be the fullscreened element. It's nicer for authors to not have to
deal with two events.

> 4. A lack of rejection.
> The current proposal provides no notification to authors that a request to enter full screen has been denied. ?From an UA implementor's perspective, it makes writing test cases much more difficult. ?From an author's perspective it makes failing over to another full screen technique (such as a "full-window" substitute mode) impossible.
> Proposal: add a "fullscreenrequestdenied" event and require it to be dispatched when and if the UA denies a full-screen request.

Wasn't the idea that if the user denies the fullscreen request, the
browser can still "full-window" the element inside the normal browser
window, thus taking care substitute for the website?

/ Jonas

Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 15:03:49 UTC