[whatwg] HTML5 (including next generation additions still in development) - Mozilla Firefox (Not Responding)

On 2010-07-08 19:18, Diego Perini wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 4:03 PM, Lachlan Hunt<lachlan.hunt at lachy.id.au>wrote:
>> As a workaround, you can use AdBlock in Firefox to block the offending
>> script.  Just manually add this URL to your block list.
>> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/status.js
> The problem is not only with Firefox and it happens I am not only using
> Firefox.
> Is there a similar blocking feature of Opera that you can suggest ?

Opera includes a Content Blocker feature by default.  See "Block 
Content..." in the context menu.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Received on Friday, 9 July 2010 04:19:02 UTC