[whatwg] The real issue with HTML5's sectioning model (was: "Headings and sections, role of H2-H6" and "Should default styles for h1-h6 match the outlining algorithm?")

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 3:04 PM, Nikita Popov <privat at ni-po.com> wrote:
> On 30.04.2010 21:47, Greg Houston wrote:
>> <section class="section">
>> <nav class="section">
>> <aside class="section">
>> <article class="section">
>> <address class="section">
> I think this defeats all the purpose of the different sectioning elements.
> They want to save code, not let you state the obvious by class="section"

"class" has one more character than "kind" or "type" so you are not
saving much on code here.

In the CSS, Eduard's proposal requires many more characters for the
same thing. Compare:






In my example you can still style section without having to overwrite
it for every kind or type of section. With Eduards you would need
something like this:


> I think introducing pseudo-elements that actually do not exist is a step in
> the wrong direction. It tries to solve a side effect of the problem, instead
> of solcing the problem at it's root.

Again, "sectional" is a not a very good name, but think of it as like
the "*". Where "*" refers to all elements, "sectional" would refer to
a particular subset (elements that are considered types of sections).
Some character could be used instead of "sectional" or another name.
>From what I can tell that is basically all that is needed, is some
selector for different sorts of sections.

Received on Friday, 30 April 2010 13:56:39 UTC