[whatwg] HTML5 Definition of week (section


I am concerned by the wording of this section.
There are different systems of week number -- as far as I can work out,
this is the same as ISO 8601 week numbering.
But it nowhere explicitly says that.

I think, the spec should have a normative reference to ISO 8601 for the
definition of week numbering.
Then, if the spec wants to give an informative recap of what ISO 8601 says,
the benefit of those who don't have a copy (especially since it isn't free),
that's fine.
But I'm worried, by inserting some complicated definition into the spec,
does it match exactly ISO 8601's definition?
(I'm sure it does, but "are the definitions the same?" is not immediately
obvious from inspection.)

Simon Kissane
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Received on Thursday, 2 July 2009 22:35:40 UTC