[whatwg] How to use SVG in HTML5?

On 23/01/2008, timeless <timeless at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Every browser (except IE) *has* SVG rendering.

>That's not true. MicroB as shipped w/ OS 2008 on the N810 (and in OS

Sorry, you're right. I was thinking only of the desktop. Bad move.

> > Firefox 3 will have *accurate* SVG rendering.

> who's promising this?

Read up the thread. I noted that Minefield's rendering is notably
better than FF2's.

(I've been exploring the world of SVG in far too much depth lately.
All SVG renderers suck, but Minefield's suck is on the CPU-pegging
side, not the rendering side.)

- d.

Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2008 13:22:41 UTC