[whatwg] RDFa Features

I have to repeat Ian's question now: what happens when the server with a
custom vocabulary definition goes down?  Does it take a part of the semantic
Web down along with it?
Interestingly enough, ape-compatible operating systems (guess which) do not
provide any CURIEs (soft links)* for file folders (directories).  You have
to laboriously navigate through the file system hierarchy or handle lengthy
paths to locate the document you need.  Is there something to it?
*All right, I was cheating.  But only a little.  Folder aliases/directory
shortcuts are supported but you cannot have anything appended to them
without dereferencing them first.

-----Original Message-----
From: whatwg-bounces@lists.whatwg.org
[mailto:whatwg-bounces at lists.whatwg.org] On Behalf Of Manu Sporny
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 6:57 PM
To: whatwg at lists.whatwg.org
Subject: Re: [whatwg] RDFa Features

Namespaces are difficult for people to grasp because most technical
people don't ground the student with a solid example of a namespace -
the URI or files within file folders.


We are strongly suggesting that the document that is dereferenced have a
machine readable (RDF vocabulary) and human readable (human explaination
of vocabulary and all terms). Take a look at the following vocabulary
for an example of what should be at the end of an RDFa vocabulary link:


The vocabulary term above is dereference-able and if you put the term
into a web browser, you will get both a machine-readable and
human-readable definition of that term. Contrast that functionality with
the following as a namespaced vocabulary term that you cannot dereference:

Received on Thursday, 28 August 2008 13:41:45 UTC