[whatwg] executeSql API is synchronous

The pain of asynchronous access can be alleviated or even solved with  
an API for transactions, or a group of SQL queries that need be  
executed in order. Commonly, if a transaction fails in the middle, the  
database is rolled-back to the state before the transaction started.

There can then be a callback when the transaction finished or fails,  
with details on what query failed.

On Sep 20, 2007, at 10:13 AM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

> That said, it will be even more common with databases to have  
> multiple asynchronous operations in a row than it is today with XHR.  
> Doing this all asynchronously will be incredibly painful.

? Timothy Hatcher

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Received on Thursday, 20 September 2007 13:14:08 UTC