[whatwg] about the Audio object

On Thu, 5 Jan 2006, Mathieu Henri wrote:
> Glad to see there's finally a standard way to play sound. May I suggest 
> a few members for the Audio object:
> 	volume
> 		Set/get the replay volume ( set by default to 100%, or 1.0,
> 		so that the sound is replayed at its original volume )
> 	pause()
> 		Stop playing the sound at the current position.
> 		NB: It might require the addition of an optionnal boolean
> 		argument in the play() method to specify if the Audio object
> 		is played from the beginning or the current/paused position.
> 	onerror
> 		An event listener that is invoked when an error event is fired
> 		on the Audio object.
> 	playing ( or playback )
> 		a read only property returning true if the sound is being played
> 		or false otherwise. Set by default to false. The play() method
> 		sets this property to true. The pause() and stop() methods set
> 		it to false.

These are now added (maybe under other names).

> 	pitch ( or frequency )
> 		Set/get the replay frequency in Hz ( set by default to the
> 		value in the header of the sound file )
> 	panning
> 		Set/get the panning ( set by default to the middle, be it 0 in
> 		a [ -1; 1 ] range, or 0.5 in a [ 0, 1 ] range ).

Given the complexity of the audio stuff now, I'd rather defer these to a 
future version.

> Oh, and the description of the play() method is somewhat misleading. It 
> says the repeat count is set to 1, which suggests the sound will be 
> repeat'ed 1 time. Either the term 'repeat count' is not appropriate and 
> should be replaced by 'replay count', or the play() method should set it 
> to 0.

This has been rewritten; please let me know if the new text is not ok.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Friday, 3 August 2007 17:52:50 UTC