[whatwg] [WF2] <select required>


The required="" attribute doesn't apply to <select>s in the current draft of 
WF2. As an author I'd expect it to apply to <select>.

I've seen a case where a <select> is used and the user is required to change 
its value, as in:

   <select name="test" required>
    <option value="">Select one:

Now this can be done with radio buttons instead, but why can't the above be 
supported? That is, make required apply to <select>s and if the value is 
empty then required is not satisfied. (Same for <select multiple>.)

(I realise that radio buttons and checkboxes satisfy required even if the 
value is empty.)

Simon Pieters

Received on Monday, 2 October 2006 07:35:32 UTC