[whatwg] foreign attributes Re: several messages about XML syntax and HTML5

I needed a family break. I'm back, sorry for the interruption.


Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Dec 2006, Elias Torres wrote:
>> A few comments on your code. You can handle with n-levels deep, but
>> not really nested property.
> Why not? I don't understand. Could you give concrete examples?

See the restating of the example in the email below.

>> You are also assuming that the content of the element is the entire 
>> value of the property.
> I don't really understand what this means. If you mean that I am assuming 
> that the contents of the element are all part of what the element 
> represents, then yes, that's how HTML works.

k. that's fair.

>> <div> <span class="ibm-part-description">our part number <span
>> class="part-id">123</span></span></div>
> Yes? What about it?

I guess this is similar to Karl's example.

<div id="order1" class="ibm-order">
   <span class="ibm-part-description">our part number
       <span class="part-id">123</span>

part-id would according to microformats be a property of
ibm-part-description existential instead of order1. Is there way to
specify that kind of behavior. Would include do the trick here?

>> Microformats is very restrictive in how you can parse the data.
> I don't understand why you think this. Could you elaborate?

I guess restrictive is the wrong word, it's only defined to say you must
grab the entire HTML content within the element. Fair enough again.
Although, I'd like to differentiate between HTML sub-content, plain text
and also specify which data type. quantity is an integer/long/etc.

>> We need the flexibility of specify the content everywhere, yet the 
>> property apply to any element on the page, not just the parent element.
> Again, concrete examples would really help me understand this?

In some part of the page....
<div id="picture1">
<img src="picture1.jpg">

Now somewhere else in the page....
<span about="picture1" property="dc:title">A Night in Venice</span>

Here I'm able to connect two elements in the page. I'm not sure how I
would use id to differentiate the two.

>> Also, remember, we are going after a declarative mechanism that binds 
>> "structure" to presentation and we don't know ahead of time all of the 
>> properties that are attached to a structure.
> I don't see why this is a problem. The mechanism is (by definition) 
> extensible. That's the point.
> It would really help if you could point to some real world examples (with 
> URIs) showing what we are talking about. Currently it feels very 
> hypothetical.

Received on Tuesday, 5 December 2006 19:12:11 UTC