[whatwg] [WF2] Web Forms 2.0: Repetition and type ID

fantasai wrote:
> I'd like to suggest that ID attributes use a different syntax
> than [] to mark repetition placeholders, one that fits with the
> XML restrictions on IDs. The current syntax makes it impossible
> to define ID attributes as "type ID" in any of the three major
> XML validation schemas, which affects both the usefulness of
> authoring tools that rely on IDness (e.g. for navigational tags
> or for catching duplication and referential errors) and the
> integrity of other specs (such as the CSS 2.1 specification) that
> rely on such definitions.

I agree that that is better.

> I don't care what the syntax is (I suggest :-replaceable-: for
> lack of anything better), and it doesn't have to apply to other
> attributes where [replaceable] is more natural.

Pretty much anything could do, but I'll note that ":" is not a WF ID 
when namespaces are in effect.

Robin Berjon
   Senior Research Scientist
   Expway, http://expway.com/

Received on Saturday, 2 July 2005 10:54:09 UTC