[whatwg] Syntax Highlighting [was: several messages]

Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, James Graham wrote:
>> Sure. But in this particular case, I happen to think that the
>> overall measure of benefit, which we can parameterise something
>> like: (probability of implementation) * (usefulness of feature if
>> implemented) / (added complexity), is pretty large even if
>> p(implementation) is small because, not only is the feature useful
>> but because the added complexity is almost zero. Therefore,, I
>> think it's worth adding to the spec even at this late stage.
> Ok, I've added an "accept" attribute to <textarea>, with no
> implementation requirements and with the semantic that it gives the
> type of content that is expected (as a MIME type).

Hmm, it is a TEXTAREA, note the "TEXT" part that in the name of that 
element. Besides, if it isn't expexted to be supported, why add it in 
the first place. And why add it in a almost finished draft.

  Anne van Kesteren

Received on Sunday, 12 December 2004 11:16:48 UTC