Re: WebVR Working Group charter under W3C AC review

For the record for the list, I've replied privately both to Chris and
Brandon with more details on the support I thought proceeding with the
charter had, since I have not secured authorization to share that
information publicly.

Thanks all for your patience and constructive input to this effort!


Le 18/07/2017 à 04:54, Chris Van Wiemeersch a écrit :
> I echo Brandon's sentiments. Apologies for any poor communication and
> lack thereof.
> If you'd like to set up a time for us to video chat, I'd love to chat.
> Let me know.
> Thanks for all your help with everything.
> On Wednesday, July 12, 2017, Brandon Jones <
> <>> wrote:
>     On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 11:38 PM Dominique Hazael-Massieux
>     < <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>         Several active members of the group have actually expressed that
>         intent;
>     I'm surprised that they didn't approach the group chairs, me and
>     Chris Van Wiemeersch, about that. If it was something the group was
>     clamoring for we'd be happy to discuss it, I just haven't seen the
>     subject come up outside of your communications.
>     If you don't mind sharing (publicly or privately), which members
>     have been asking to form a working group? I'd like to reach out to
>     them and make sure that I understand their position and ensure the
>     direction of the community group is taking it into account.
>     And speaking of working group chairs, I'm a bit confused as to
>     why Anssi Kostiainen is listed as the chair in your charter? I've
>     got nothing against Anssi, all of my interactions with him have been
>     positive and I welcome his contributions. But he also hasn't been
>     one of the more active participants in the spec creation. I'm not
>     sure why the chairs of the community group wouldn't implicitly be
>     considered for the chairs of the working group unless there was
>     significant concerns about doing so.
>     In short: I'm concerned that your view of the community group's
>     wishes appears to deviate from the view I've had as a group chair.
>     If that's a failing on my part and I or Chris have somehow been
>     overlooking an aspect of the community that has been pushing to
>     establish a working group I'd like to take corrective action and
>     ensure that we establish better communication channels with them.
>     --Brandon

Received on Tuesday, 18 July 2017 09:29:42 UTC