Re: Removing WebVR from W3C

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 6:43 PM, David Singer <> wrote:

> No-one is lobbying except you. Louay asked a question. I haven’t even
> opined on whether we should look at using protected media with WebVR, and I
> am not sure anyone has.

There's a big difference between you and me. I can't cast a vote on the
approval/disapproval of a W3C standards. We don't need to ask Tim
Berners-Lee how he'd overrule even if a vote didn't fall out in favor, so
that's a moot question. Since I have no vote, but you do, and since those
with votes seem bent on making the case for DRM, I think that represents a

> What I have done is object to your off-topic and inappropriate messages.

Which you decide of which are inappropriate. It's very convenient isn't it?

Received on Tuesday, 11 July 2017 16:54:59 UTC