Re: [timingobject] Add a "paused" state to timing objects?

The difference as I have understood it is that the paused flag can be 
trusted to represent the true state of the media player, whereas the 
playbackRate is a specification of default playback velocity, a value 
which will survive pause/resume toggling. If this is correct then I 
think the timing object API can easily be extended to support this (by
 the programmer on demand).

For example, something like this should work?

var defaultPlaybackRate = 1.0;
to.__defineGetter__("playbackRate", function () {return 
to.__defineSetter__("playbackRate", function (value) 
{defaultPlaybackRate = value;})

to.__defineGetter__("paused", function () {
        var vector = to.query();
        return (vector.velocity === 0.0 && vector.acceleration === 
to.__defineSetter__("paused", function (value) {
        // pause
        if (value) to.update(null, 0.0, 0.0);
        // resume
        else to.update(null, to.playbackRate, null);

GitHub Notif of comment by ingararntzen

Received on Thursday, 6 August 2015 13:07:12 UTC