Updated charter draft of Web-based Signage WG


With the discussion of Seoul F2F, I've prepared the updated draft charter of Web-based Signage WG.
It is provided as an outcome of F2F Wiki page.

I want to ask you to review it.
And, please give me any comment if you have!

# This document is created as WORD file, only for reviewing.
# I'll prepare HTML version, besides.

Best regards,
Kiyoshi Tanaka, Ph.D.
   NTT Service Evolution Laboratories

On 2016/11/30 12:09, Kiyoshi Tanaka (田中 清) wrote:
> Dear,
> Thank you for attending F2F meeting and having a good discussion.
> The results of meeting including minutes are provided in following URL (Seoul F2F Wiki page).
> https://www.w3.org/community/websignage/wiki/Group_meeting_at_Seoul
> Please check it!
> If you have any comment and question, please ask me!
> Best regards,
> Kiyoshi
> ---
> Kiyoshi Tanaka, Ph.D.
>   NTT Service Evolution Laboratories
>   mailto:tanaka.kiyoshi@lab.ntt.co.jp

Received on Wednesday, 30 November 2016 03:22:17 UTC