Re[2]: Milestone

On Wed, 28 Nov 2012 05:26:37 +0000
현욱 <> wrote:

> > * Web-based Signage Best Practices
> > We agreed making "Web-based Signage Best Practices" at TPAC.
> > But we have not decided what it is. The purpose, scope, etc.
> > First of all, we have to discuss about that.
> > So I'd like to decide the purpose and scope of this document
> > by February 2013. 
> agreed. how about you propose tentative scope and objectives of this document. 
> It will be helpful to startup if there is base material. 

I'll prepare tentative scope and objectives of this document.
Give me some time.

> > Eventually, I'd like to develop a demo based on this document.
> I'm look forward to see your demo. Is it possible to take a look that demo remotely?

Absolutely yes because it's WEB :)
The aim of the demos is to prove the feasibility of Web-based Signage.


Newphoria Corporation
Chief Technology Officer
Futomi Hatano

Received on Wednesday, 28 November 2012 06:12:57 UTC