Re: CfC: Update Second Screen CG Charter to reflect Multi-Screen Window Placement graduation

Hi Second Screen CG,

I’m pleased to announce the updated Second Screen Community Group Charter is now operational:

This update received explicit support from the participants during the review period.

Also, I want to replay congratulations to Michael, Victor and Joshua for the graduation of the Multi-Screen Window Placement API, a proposal successfully incubated in this CG now promoted to the W3C Standards Track.

This CG remains open to accept proposals for new incubations in this space. We have a group of enthusiastic contributors who are eager to review and move forward new proposals. Please get in touch with us for more information on this opportunity.

Thank you for your continued support and contributions.


-Anssi (Second Screen WG/CG co-chair)

On 5. Apr 2022, at 11.12, Kostiainen, Anssi <<>> wrote:

Hi Second Screen CG,

Multi-Screen Window Placement graduated from this CG to the Second Screen WG (congrats to all the folks working on this exciting new capability!).

Following our charter change process [1], I’ve opened a PR to update the CG Charter accordingly, please review:

This is merely a procedural thing given the receiving end, the WG and its Charter, has been approved by the W3C Membership. But nevertheless, if you want to say something, e.g. congratulate folks on this successful spec graduation, please do so by 3 May 2022.


-Anssi (Second Screen WG/CG co-chair)


Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2022 11:22:01 UTC