RE: FAMIUM Implementations of the Presentation API

Hi Anssi, all,

I am happy that you like our Implementation :).  Our basic Idea was to provide a plain JavaScript implementation of the Presentation API that works in any modern Browser and cross-device. This is why we introduced "Virtual Displays"  and "rooms" as described here For the communication between the controlling pages and presenting pages or virtual displays we used WebSockets over a central server but this is hidden for developers. Using JavaScript and WebSockets for communication we can Implement the API as described here  . The only difficulty was in the Display Selection Dialog. We don't want to touch the DOM and create a custom dialog using HTML/CSS. This is why we use the native JavaScript dialogues confirm() and prompt() for display selection. For other platforms/protocols where native implementation is required we developed connectors that allow the JavaScript Code to speak with the native/ platform-dependent components. The development of Demo applications was straightforward. From the experience gained in the development of the Presentation API and Demo Applications we can confirm that the most features discussed in the Mail thread "Google/Mozilla Presentation API update" will improve the Presentation API from Developer and End-user (Usability) perspectives especially reconnecting or joining existing sessions. Please let me know if you  have additional questions regarding specific features or Implementation details.  We will make the source code available soon. 

By the way if you are planning to participate on the IFA (Berlin, September 5-10, 2014 ) or IBC (Amsterdam, September 12-16, 2014) you are invited to visit our booth 22 in Hall 11.1 at IFA ( ) or booth B80 in Hall 8 at IBC ( ). We show also there some demos related to the Presentation API. 

Best regards,

| Dipl.-Ing. Louay Bassbouss
| Project Manager
| Future Applications and Media
| Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems 
| Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31 | 10589 Berlin | Germany 
| Phone 49 30 - 3463 - 7275 
Our next events:

Visit us at IFA, Berlin, September 5-10, 2014
Hall 11.1, booth 22 

Visit us at IBC, Amsterdam, September 12-16, 2014
Hall 8, booth B80 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kostiainen, Anssi []
> Sent: Montag, 1. September 2014 15:29
> To: Bassbouss, Louay
> Cc:; Rottsches, Dominik
> Subject: Re: FAMIUM Implementations of the Presentation API
> Hi Louay,
> On 22 Aug 2014, at 11:28, Bassbouss, Louay
> <> wrote:
> > The Fraunhofer FOKUS' Competence Center Future Applications and
> Media (FAME) offers different implementations of the Presentation API as
> part of FAMIUM, an end-to-end prototype implementation for early
> technology evaluation and interoperability testing introduced by FAME.  Here
> webscreens/wikis/home you will find a detailed descriptions of the different
> FAMIUM implementations (for different protocols and platforms) of the
> Presentation API, online demonstrations (Demo Applications are available
> here ) and videos
> (Videos are also available in this YouTube Playlist). We will publish  source
> code of the different implementations soon. Please feel free to contact me if
> you have any question or feedback.
> Your implementation looks very nice and is perfect input to the group. Given
> the implementation supports various underlying protocols (WiDi, Miracast,
> Google Cast, mDNS/DNS-SD) it exercises the API the right way - the
> Presentation API should insulate the web developer from the underlying low
> level protocols.
> It'd be interesting to hear what were the rough edges, ergonomics issues,
> gaps etc. with the API, so please feel free to share.
> Thanks,
> -Anssi
> P.S. I'd encourage folks to try the demo, or alternatively watch the nice
> screencasts Louay has recorded:
> vK6

Received on Tuesday, 2 September 2014 11:29:06 UTC